Apple Ranked 2nd in U.S. Mobile Market for First Time

For the first time in the history of comScore's MobiLens U.S. mobile market share report, Apple has been ranked second place in the overall OEM (original equipment manufacturer) market.

Apple saw its U.S. market share increase by 1.5 percent from 16.3 to 17.8 percent in the three-month period ending during October, 2012. Samsung also experienced growth to continue its top spot reign, but it was by just 0.7 percent from 25.6 to 26.3 percent.

Apple jumped to second place in the chart, while LG experienced a decrease of 0.8 percent from 18.4 to 17.6 percent. Motorola and HTC, who rounded out the top five, both saw slight decreases with an overall 11 and 6 percent share of the market, respectively.

Nearly 52 percent of all subscribers in the U.S. are on smartphones, an increase of 6 percent from the previous quarter, which would suggest that the iPhone 5 helped Apple push itself into second place.

As for platform market share, Google remains dominant; the search engine giant saw Android increase its share from 52.2 percent of subscribers to 53.6 percent. Apple gained 0.9 percent, while BlackBerry creator RIM had its share decrease by 1.7 percent.

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  • dark_knight33
    Isn't this essentially the same as:,19342.html?

    Reads the same to me: Apple in the top in US by thin margin, not as good internationally.
  • john15v16
    "Google's Android remains the dominant platform"...says Zak with tears in his eye's...
  • sliem
    john15v16"Google's Android remains the dominant platform"...says Zak with tears in his eye's...
    Lol. He probably cringe as he wrote 'Google's Android remains the dominant platform'
  • Vladislaus
    dark_knight33Isn't this essentially the same as: 9342.html? Reads the same to me: Apple in the top in US by thin margin, not as good internationally.Actually both reports are contradictory. In this one Apple has a market share of 34.3% while Android has 53.6%. In the other report Apple has market share of 48.1% and Android has 46.7%. Go figure!
  • Marco925
    john15v16"Google's Android remains the dominant platform"...says Zak with tears in his eye's...Better be tears of joy
  • Gundam288
    Marco925Better be tears of joyOnly if he sold his stock in Apple at $600+.
  • chibiwings
    You got what you want Google. Optimize your software for pete's sake..
  • dauntekong
    Well, this wont be their first time next coming years and years and years and years..... until Apple? whats that?
  • educationl
    I could never understood the nerd rage against Apple from PC fans. IBM lost, get over it.

    The PC is not what it used to be. Its programmers are worthless. Every piece of software if crap, made by someone who obviously won't be using it and hated working on it.

    Just like the war on drugs is an affirmative action employment program for conservatives, the PC is a jobs program for talentless techies. An inferior platform riddled with flaws to drive a repair and upgrade market. No different than what the automobile industry is today.
  • deftonian
    Wait... so what I'm gathering here is that this article is pointing out that Apple has moved UP to 2nd place? Why is it that Zak feels the need to tell us something so fan-boyish? Are you going to start posting an article if Nokia moves up a spot?

    At first I thought this article was about Apple moving down from 1st place to 2nd, then the more I read it became clear that the article was in fact a giddy Zak news flash because his baby Apple moved UP to 2nd place.

    This is just ridiculous.