Asus Announces EeePC Tablets, the Eee Pads

Asus today previewed its Eee Pad tablet, but disappointed attendees at Computex by saying the device won't be available until the beginning of 2011. When the 12-inch EP121 launches, it will pack Intel's Core 2 Duo CULV processors, and run Windows 7. The company is also planning a 10-inch version, the EP101TC, which run Windows Embedded Compact 7 and packs Nvidia's Tegra. Though Asus mentions there will be a hybrid dock/keyboard for the EP121, there's no word on whether or not this peripheral will be compatible for the smaller EP101TC.

Though the release isn't for at least another six months, Asus reportedly put the price for the Eee Pads at $399 to $499.

  • Snipergod87
    Those look pretty sexy
  • sliem
    Sexy except the name.
  • tokenz
    No information on specs?
  • tokenz
    I mean ports, video out, storage, screen, battery life, those kinda specs
  • vertigo_2000
    Eee Pad?

    Really? That's what you're going with?

    lol... ok.*&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1&redir_esc=&ei=oCkFTNenDYH88AanmKTZDQ
  • captaincharisma
    i am waiting for what stupid name apple is going to make the norm next. now everyone is going to be calling tablets after the ipad.

    still i would rather get the asus one than the apple tablet. also here's hoping the asus tablet will have more space than 64GB.
  • mman74
    Why Win 7 - why not instant on low resource efficient Android?
  • boobot
    HP will be Slate. Best name yet but let's see how they follow with functionality
  • jimslaid2
    mman74Why Win 7 - why not instant on low resource efficient Android?
    We want Android!
  • mel_gibson_
    Let me guess - it won't come with any applications, but you can purchase programs for it for 10x the price of a corresponding iPad app. With a battery life half of that of an iPad. I'm no Apple fan boy by any measure (I once called it "the evil empire" to an Apple executive's face), but I'm categorizing this as vaporware, along with the HP Slate, until I see a unit up for sale.