Blizzard's Titan MMO Has Over 100 Team Members

Earlier this week, Blizzard launched its latest World of Warcraft expansion, Mists of Pandaria. While many have criticized the company's inclusion of the cuddly Pandaren, others have shrugged it off as they continue to wait for the company's next generation of MMO, project Titan.

We haven't heard much about the project lately, but according to Blizzard vice president of game design, Rob Pardo, the project is still active as ever. In a recent interview with Curse, Pardo revealed the development team for the elusive Titan project now has over 100 team members.

“We are definitely in the middle of development at this point,” Pardo explained. “The team is over 100 people now.”

As exciting as "middle of development" sounds, this only makes us more anxious to hear details about the mysterious title. Unfortunately, Pardo wouldn't spill the beans, only stating that the development team initially started out small in teams of two or three and has since grown much larger over the course of four years.

Check out the entire Curse interview below:

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Tuan Mai
Tuan Mai is a Los Angeles based writer and marketing manager working within the PC Hardware industry. He has written for Tom's Guide since 2010, with a special interest in the weird and quirky.
  • Chairman Ray
    Hopefully Blizzard can dig up some really innovative ideas to put into the MMO genre like how WoW started off.
  • tomfreak
    I honestly think they should have just improve the WoW, fix any complains from players, so it wont lose anymore subscribers.
  • bllue
    With how D3 ended up, I have low expectations for this. They're probably gonna develop Titan in a way that will allow them to milk as much as possible
  • DroKing
    I have a hunch that even with massive amount of developers, It's gonna still suck thanks to Bobby Kotick.
  • slabbo
    i'm pretty sure this is gonna have a RMAH too.
  • cats_Paw
    Not really interested.
    Wow:didnt like, preffered guild wars.
    SC2: Boring after 4 months
    D3: didnt even buy.

    So at this point, titan?.... Whatever.
  • pliskin1
    TomfreakI honestly think they should have just improve the WoW, fix any complains from players, so it wont lose anymore subscribers.IMO that is one of the problems with WoW, they fixed soo many complaints that now it's easy mode.
  • tomfreak
    pliskin1IMO that is one of the problems with WoW, they fixed soo many complaints that now it's easy is because they listened the kids who complained rather than the real gamer or hire a real gamer who find out a reason why people quit. Understanding common human behavior is one of the important thing to be success, they let their corporate greed cloud their judgement.
    Developer like Valve manage to do this pretty well with their steam. Valve know what their customer actually want. Unfortunately the people in Blizzard do not really know what their own customer want.
  • kaiuno
    chairman rayHopefully Blizzard can dig up some really innovative ideas to put into the MMO genre like how WoW started off.
    And with digg up you mean, of course, steal from what's already been done by others before you and polish it into something so easy and safe a cow could play it, whilst tacking on the blandest lore there ever was. Yay Blizzard!

    Sorry. I liked the crack-like mechanics for a while, but it all feels so bland...
  • thecolorblue