CMO's Quad Full High Def Display

If Full HD is not enough for you (and there’s always those who want more) Chi Mei Optoelectronics showed us a rather nice alternative.

Brace yourselves for the Chi Mei’s new, ready for mass production, 56" Quad FHD panel.

The picture was definitely impressive, even if you could notice that the video was a Full HD one upscaled to a resolution of 3840x2160 pixels.

To play a quad Full HD, you’re going to need a special player. In this case, to show off the panel, Chi Mei used a 4K HDD player provided by the Japanese company, Keisoku Giken.

Chi Mei claims that this V562D1 panel has a contrast ratio of 1200:1 and a more than decent response time of 6.5 ms. The electrical interface enables two dual DVI and four single DVI inputs and an eight channel LVDS.

So, who would buy something like this? One of the main problems with televisions or displays like this is that a lot of the time, they cost a small fortune. However, Chen Li Yi, director of CMO’s LCD TV business division doesn’t seem to be so concerned about shifting the units. In an interview a while back Chen said that no matter how expensive, there’s always going to be the people who are willing to fork out top dollar for a telly:

"Some people want such a TV no matter what the price."

  • sacre
    This is stupid. The price of the players would be rediculous for the fact at a resolution like that you would need a player that can transfer 40+mbps. If not more.
  • nothing outputs that resolution anyways...
  • lancelot123
    USB 3.0 sure wouldn't have a problem with the bandwidth.
  • I will definitely get one!
    ...... in the next ten years ...... :D
  • samprasfan
    It says right in the article that it takes 4 DVI inputs, it's the same as if you were outputting a display onto four HDTVs. Instead, it has one quad HD screen that works as 4. Learn to read.
  • That's too funny. Look at the picture close up. The violin strings are nothing but jaggies from end to end and the text in the bottom right hand corner is pixelated. This reminds me of the good ol' days of EGA with 16 colors.
  • hawler
    Actually if you click on the picture once it looks jaggie. thats because it's being shrunk from its actually resolution and browsers suck at shrinking pictures and maintaining good quality. See that little magnifying glass with a plus in it? click on the picture and it will go back to is original size with much better quality
  • plbyrd
    This is just a first step down the road to 300dpi computer screens (today's screens are typically adjusted for 96dpi), which are essential for future software interface paradigms. The reason that Microsoft has moved to a 3D desktop environment with Vista's Aero is in preparation for 300dpi monitors which are not as far off as you'd initially think. Scalable 3D interfaces just get better and better with more resolution and 3D uses much less memory to describe an image at these massive resolutions as 2D requires.
  • Luscious
    Absolutely nothing new to read here folks - Mitsubishi already had a 3840x2160 quad HD monitor available a year ago (56P-QF60LCU). The price at that time was around $50,000 if I remember right.

    The problem with the technology, other than requiring a brute-force PC with 4 HD video outputs to harness the resolution, is that you can only display static images. 1080p video will not look any better at all. On the other hand, if you're into serious CG, CAD or digital artwork, this monitor will make your jaw drop to the floor and your eyes bug out.

    Not to disappoint movie fans though, film does have a native resolution of 4096x4096, which means QHD video IS possible.

    So, if you think you are rich and can blow 50K on this monitor, how about you invest another few million with your other rich friends into the technology to convert 35mm film into QHD video, and while you're at it, invest another few hundred million to develop the storage/playback technology.

    It will probably be at least another 15-25 years before we see QHD video broadcasts, due to the sheer bandwidth requirements (250MB/s uncompressed), so you can forget about that QHD TV as well.
  • mdharrington
    converting 35mm film to 4k has been done for like 10 years, by way of arri laser scan and others.

    and there are several video cameras doing native 4k right now....Red, Dalsa ect...
    4k storage and playback has been around for about....10 years(maybe a little less) i could name about 5 products right now

    and next year red ray comes out from red (
    with 4k playback from standard dvd's using proprietary wavelet encoding

    there have been sony 4k projectors out for years btw as well....

    your comments would seem pessemistic..... if you made them 10 years ago....