Dell Smartphone Makes First Official Appearance

At the beginning of last week, rumors on web indicated that Dell was about to unveil if not launch a smartphone exclusive to China. While initial rumors stated we'd see it "over the next few days," the weekend rolled in with no announcement from Dell regarding the smartphone that was reportedly named the OPhone mini3i.

Dell reportedly unveiled the device in China earlier today. Pictured here at a China Mobile event, the device looks exactly like leaked images posted by Boy Genius Report last week.

Specs-wise, you're looking at 3.5-inch touchscreen  (360×640), a 3.2MP camera, Bluetooth, miniUSB support, a microSD card slot and a 950mAh battery. Dell has opted to go fully touch with this device so there's no physical keyboard at all.

Check out more pictures on

  • thepetey
    looks like one of those crappy iphones to me.
  • cruiseoveride
    Use some imagination Dell
  • astrodudepsu
    Actually looks pretty good.
  • Honis
    OMG it looks like an iPhone! Except iPhone looks like any touch phone with all its outward hardware stripped...

    Come on guys, there is only so many ways to make an elongated box with a screen, microphone, speaker, and camera.

    It looks like a pretty decent phone with the features I would consider standard for any smart phone entering the market.
  • blackened144
    No WiFi?
  • pender21
    dell will put their name on any piece of garbage too late in the game. Are exec's really that stupid.
  • tayb
    No 3g, no wifi, no internal memory, and no physical keyboard? Looks like the lackluster previews of the phone were right on.
  • scook9
    this could be popular if the price is right

    I mean like free after rebate....
  • onsiteone
    no wifi is because china doesn't want wifi. i don't think dell or even the prospective iphones for china have a say. having wifi on a cellphone in china makes it too tricky to control by their government.