The folks at Rapid Repair are always good sports when it comes to letting us know when they're going to tear apart the latest gadgets. We've come to suspect that they don't even turn the thing on, they just get out the screwdriver and have at it.

Always reliable, they just emailed us to let us know they finished going to town with the PSP Go. Planning on purchasing one? Just interested in seeing it splayed out on the operating table? Peep a selection of the images below to satisfy your needs. If that's not enough for you, you can check out the entire gallery and (if you feel like ripping apart your new toy) a step by step disassembly by hitting up Rapid Repair.

  • HansVonOhain
    Dang, some piece of tech there in a very small package
  • 08nwsula
    HansVonOhainDang, some piece of tech there in a very small packagewhat?
  • HansVonOhain
    What is it you don't understand? o.O
  • angela1130
    He means that it's nice to see such small technology in such small package ... Everything these days are so small , you just can't figure out how this little thing can run games and videos. Very impressive !
  • HansVonOhain
    AnonymousHe means that it's nice to see such small technology in such small package ... Everything these days are so small , you just can't figure out how this little thing can run games and videos. Very impressive !Thank you for clarifying this out, English is not my first language ;)
  • vaskodogama
    the buttons senors are attached to the main board? that's too bad! it means if I get a PSPGo, play a lot, and get e bad button receive ( i mean, when you have to push too hard to have a button entered in the game ), I have to give the PSP to sony guys to charge me $$$ to have a fix?
    I know that's gonna happen, after warranty!
  • vaskodogama
    HansVonOhainDang, some piece of tech there in a very small packageI got you, no problem with that sentence, English is not my first lang too!
  • Major7up
    Does this qualify as gadget porn? ;)
  • hakesterman
    I suppose this is the first step for gameing piracy. Nice job!

  • JMcEntegart
    major7upDoes this qualify as gadget porn?
    Definitely. Sigh.