Google to Unveil Chrome OS Tomorrow?

TechCrunch reports that Google is planning a Chrome OS event for this coming Thursday. While the Google operating system won't be launching tomorrow, the company is said to be lifting the lid and providing a lot of details about launch, showing off some demos and discussing the technical background of it all.

Although Google is going to go into great detail about the Chrome OS, the actual launch won't happen until sometime next year. That said, if Google's willing to show demos and go into to great depth about the software, I'd bet the mortgage we won't be waiting until through Q2'10 for this one.

Read the full story here.

  • mrddr6
    From what I've seen from Android this is going to be great. Google could well be the next Microsoft.
  • extremepcs
    Unless it will run main stream Windows apps, it will most likely be another Linux or MacOS. Dare I say it... will it run Crysis? :)
  • kavic
    I agree with Extreme, unless it works fine (no emulation needed) with windows apps or other programs I don't see this being anything other than another Linux based OS. Now "IF" it does work with all the games and programs on windows now then I just may be a nice alternative to windows.
  • Has anyone noticed the colors in that cute poke-ballesque thingamabob? Red, blue, green, and yellow; just like the Windows logo. I wonder if that's coincidence. And no mrddr6, Google will not be the next Microsoft unless game and software companies everywhere start programming for Chrome. The majority of consumers will buy the OS which is compatible with the widest range of software apps. That is why Apple and Linux are still niche markets.
  • GlacierFreeze
    If you expect it to run Windows Apps, then you're an idiot. Windows runs Windows apps. Google is not making their own version of Windows. Of course this will be another flavor of Linux. Not saying that's a bad thing, just pointing out the (not so) obvious. Think people!
  • touchdowntexas13
    quickbeam1213Has anyone noticed the colors in that cute poke-ballesque thingamabob? Red, blue, green, and yellow; just like the Windows logo. I wonder if that's coincidence. And no mrddr6, Google will not be the next Microsoft unless game and software companies everywhere start programming for Chrome. The majority of consumers will buy the OS which is compatible with the widest range of software apps. That is why Apple and Linux are still niche markets.
    Dude those are the colors of the word "Google" :)

    This OS should be interesting to say the least. Maybe it won't be anything big, but a spark in competition would be nice. Still any successful OS will need to have the compatibility that Windows has.
  • touchdowntexas13
    GlacierFreezeIf you expect it to run Windows Apps, then you're an idiot. Windows runs Windows apps. Google is not making their own version of Windows. Of course this will be another flavor of Linux. Not saying that's a bad thing, just pointing out the (not so) obvious. Think people!
    I'm pretty sure they weren't "expecting" it to run Windows. They were just pointing out that they don't think the OS will replace Windows or be a real competitor without having large-scale compatibility.
  • hannibal
    It is a linux, so no games. That has been sure for a long time. But if people just want to surf in the net, and use some word-prosessor, this can be good, if it's easy enough to use!

    Yeah many Linux people says that Linux is easy enough even today, but for any normal Mr. Smith, it's not so easy to get everything working without some help from "real" linux user. If Google can make Android so easy to use and install, that everybody can use it without much effort, Android may have a future! I doupt that it ever will be a gaming platform, but for any normal computer user, it may be alternative. Google is so big name at this moment, that it is possible. One other company that could really do it, would be Microsoft itself. If Microsoft would make an easy to use, standardiced Linux distribution it allso would have some change to make it through, but even to them it would not be an easy task. Linux is a great platform, but even now it need some extra punch. It has been coming more, and more user friendly all the time, so it is possible to that one day we have Windows, Linux and Apple Os for customers to chose from. I hope that Android will bring that day closer!
  • dark_lord69
    If I could get better frame rates I would download/buy it.
  • randerson
    Google does have the major cash flow to really push their own Linux distro.