Lenovo Charger with 4 Built-in USB Ports is Genius

After speaking to customers about what they buy and use the most in conjunction with their laptops, Lenovo learned that a large amount of people buy a spare adapter as well as a USB hub. Last week, the company revealed the Lenovo Power Hub, a device they describe as "one part power adapter and one part USB hub."

The Lenovo Power Hub combines those two devices, resulting in a single $75 purchase. Though it takes up a USB port, it more than makes up by giving users access to four ports located on the end of the power brick.

It's on sale now from Lenovo. Who wants one? More importantly, who wants the rest of the big name companies to follow suit?

Source: Lenovo via Giz

  • sabot00
    That's customer feedback at its best.
  • nforce4max
    Yay more ways to charge our digital trinkets while charging the laptop.
  • chess
    Apple is gonna get the credit and call it "magic"
  • mikem_90
    Lots of the universal chargers have been doing this for a while now. Though not four, not bad.
  • scook9
    That is actually a really good idea. Whoever came up with this deserves a raise
  • Gin Fushicho
    I like this. I think every company should follow now.
  • grillz9909
    half expensive
    half power
    half usb

    expensive power usb exists! super cereal
  • bsbsbsbs
    I wonder if they're actual "powered" USB ports and not just feeding power off the usb connected.
  • face-plants
    They are for powering devices that charge off of USB and also gives full USB connectivity to up to four devices. A four port hub that doesn't have additional power besides drawing off the host port will almost always cause problems with more than 2 devices connected (or even just one external HD).

    Two thumbs up to Lenovo for actually listening to customers' feedback and implementing it in a simple yet ingenious way. Other universal adapters have done this but the fact that it's built into the standard adapter that comes with the computer is great. Now you don't have to lose your original adapter and wait to replace it to gain this extra functionality.

    It's so simple yet no one thought of it until now. I love when a company comes up with a feature that we didn't even realize we needed. Any laptop without this built in will soon be behind.

    One or two less cords to trip on and keep neat for the win!
  • gerohmygosh
    chessApple is gonna get the credit and call it "magic"In 2 years and it'll be considered revolutionary.