Left 4 Dead Fan Trailer Promises Massive Zombie Carnage

Fan-made films almost always turn out to be incredible pieces of work. Without the Hollywood budget and production crew, all there is to create the perfect fan-made film is an undying devotion to the project. Take for example the fan-made Portal film we caught a glimpse of a couple of months ago that left us all dying to see more.

Although this is just a teaser for a possible full length Left 4 Dead fan-film, the production quality looks spot on. It may not have had the budget of films such as the Resident Evil series or television shows such as The Walking Dead, but this fan-made teaser is able to capture the gruesome Left 4 Dead world perfectly. 

Created and produced by N5 Entertainment, this teaser has certainly left us craving for more zombie carnage. Let's just hope its director Adrian Picardi and producer Eric Ro move forward to create a full length film. If the quality for the film is anywhere close to as great as its trailer, N5 could have a huge success on their hands.

Tuan Mai
Tuan Mai is a Los Angeles based writer and marketing manager working within the PC Hardware industry. He has written for Tom's Guide since 2010, with a special interest in the weird and quirky.
  • now make the movie,...
  • jvc21
    Well done! Can't wait to see more!! :D
  • iLLz
    OMG, this has soooo much potential. My son is such a fan of the L4D series and he can't wait to see this.
  • alikum
    Where's good ol' BILL!!?!?!?!
  • quorthon1204
    Excellent work, can't wait to see more of that! It looks like this zombie-themed trend is going strong, I hope we get more games/movies/series out of this but I hope noone makes a love story between a zombie and girl. Yuck!
  • alikum
    quorthon1204Excellent work, can't wait to see more of that! It looks like this zombie-themed trend is going strong, I hope we get more games/movies/series out of this but I hope noone makes a love story between a zombie and girl. Yuck!That ought to be a twilight killer
  • cypress187
    If you remember right Bill had to be "The Sacrifice". Zoey was holding his hat. Watch it again to notice that. I can't wait to see more. I'm a big fan.
  • -Fran-
    Didn't like it.

    Way too emotional. If they're gonna make a L4D movie, make it like the game feels: a fast paced zombie killing experience that doesn't let you rest until you're inside the safe house.

    Also, I understand that since it's not gonna be a movie, the "apocalypse" images weren't that "real", but they could've at least showed a crashed vehicle, burning building or something.

    It's a good try though and those producers are promising to something of very high quality.

  • SuperCruz
    I liked it. They were in a safe house resting and must of just lost Bill. Did you even watch the video Yuka?
  • sliem
    alikumWhere's good ol' BILL!!?!?!?!1:18
    He's been left 4 dead. Maybe he sacrificed himself?