South Park Creators Approached Obsidian Directly for Game

It's definitely a good sign when a game developer takes the reigns of a popular IP like South Park and immediately declares that it needs a lot of swearing and a lot of children dying. While the latter aspect may sound a bit crude to those unfamiliar with the show's questionable content, that's the appeal of South Park: it's crude, it's gross, it's disturbingly funny, and as Obsidian Entertainment CEO Feargus Urquhart states, it's outrageous and the upcoming game needs "crazy crap in it."

In an interview with Game Informer, Urquhart said that South Park Studios bypassed the traditional route of approaching a publisher first and went straight for Obsidian Entertainment. "It was exciting because it’s great to work on licensed product, but to actually be working initially straight for the licenser, it meant that the guys who it was their baby were the ones who were going to be telling what they want," he said. "And on top of it, it was great once we started working with them was finding out how much into games they were."

South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker came into the picture after the initial meeting. Urquhart said that they both admitted to be gamers themselves -- Trey had even logged up to 100 hours playing Oblivion. That said, Oblivion set out to determine what they really wanted from a game and ended up talking about games in general for quite a while.

"And so a lot of it was saying, 'what’s their vision for South Park in relation to all the games that we’ve played?'" he said. "And what was interesting, and what it came down to, was really talking about what’s that first step? What’s that first thing we need to do to make sure that this can really be a South Park game? And by the end of the meeting, it just came down to if we can’t make the game look like South Park, then why make it."

Initially the goal will be to develop an unrestricted South Park RPG, but given the show's adult-oriented roots, Obsidian is aware that it may brush the ESRB the wrong way at some point. "Let’s make it South Park, make it nuts," he said. "And then, as they say, cross that bridge when we come to it."

In addition to the video interview, one Game Informer reader received an early copy of the magazine and spilled its exclusive South Park: The Game content all over NeoGAF. According to the list of details, Parker and Stone actually wrote the script and chose to keep the player's character silent, staying in line with other more traditional RPGs. The character itself will be customizable and carry a smartphone that acts as the game's primary menu.

On Obsidian's side of the picture, the developer will be using the Dungeon Siege 3 engine and 15 years worth of South Park assets. The studio also developed a dynamic lip-syncing tool to accommodate changes to the script when needed. There will also be five classes consisting of a Wizard, Paladin, Adventurer, Rogue and a unannounced class, and cutscenes you can skip (Parker evidently hates the unskippable ones).

The list of leaked details also reveal that Parker and Stone ran up against a roadblock when designing the main town hub because, after all this time, they had never actually created a true layout of the town. Thus, this will be the first time anyone has seen South Park as a complete town from end to end.

For more details and major spoilers, head here.

  • Jarmo
    There's like.. no way this can possibly come out as anything good.
  • Darkerson
    JarmoThere's like.. no way this can possibly come out as anything good.Opinion = Fact?

    I plan on holding judgement until some more info comes out. But I will admit, I hope it turns out well, as it will be an interesting spin on the series.
  • Jarmo
    TheCapuletThe only way this is bad is if you don't like south park.
    No. I love South Park and I love (most of) Obsidian's games.
    But this... no way. Just you wait and see.
  • sunflier
    ♪ ♪ ♫
    Blame CanadAAAAA!!
  • blueeyesm
    I wonder if they'll release a golden PSP as a special edition?
  • digitalzom-b
    There's a TON of content in South Park's quiet little mountain town. Over the 14 years of episodes... it's insane. Be it they don't exclude content because of the timeline, we can expect things like Megasteisand, some goddamn mongorians, animals with mulitple asses, and so on. Also, I'd say it's safe to assume there will be areas outside of South Park, like that dark creepy forest (from can't remember the episode :|). I just hope they pay attention to detail, and make it so you can go into every building in the town, and it to have a purpose and a sense of interaction. E.g. going to the toy store and buying/stealing (in the essence of oblivion) toys, or going to Raisins for food (lol). This could be a very good and massive (not just size, but content) game if done right... hopefully Matt Stone and Trey Parker see that the potential is enforced, and push for some of the Elder Scrolls freedom gameplay essence.
  • Feargus Urquhart is pretty awesome.

    I can remember when Fallout 2 came out (his game, really) and I had some bugs and issues. I contacted Black Isle studios and he was the one to reply to me! All those years ago I was floored that one of the leads on a big game was actually taking their time out to reply to an end user.

    I've got to say he's done well for himself, and he'll pop out a fun game with SP.
  • demonhorde665
    all i can say is , .. i hope it is on PC , granted i have an xbox 360 , i don't run or never intend to run AHY RPG's on a console so i pray this has a pc version
  • alidan
    TheCapuletThis game is being overseen by people who prefer a damn good game over a bottom line, and being developed by devs who love the idea of staying true to the roots of south park, yet are known to make fantastic RPGs. The only way this is bad is if you don't like south park. I can't stand south park, myself. But for those who do, this game will probably be pretty damn good. But I will appreciate it for the fact that it'll be giving a well deserved developer more spotlight and money so they can make more polished games in the future.
    fantastic... is relative, they are known for making rpgs with a grand scale, but failing to execute them properly, that said, they usually pump out a better game than the original, however they come out so buggy some people dont stick around with it till the bugs get fixed.

    digitalzom-bThere's a TON of content in South Park's quiet little mountain town. Over the 14 years of episodes... it's insane. Be it they don't exclude content because of the timeline, we can expect things like Megasteisand, some goddamn mongorians, animals with mulitple asses, and so on. Also, I'd say it's safe to assume there will be areas outside of South Park, like that dark creepy forest (from can't remember the episode :|). I just hope they pay attention to detail, and make it so you can go into every building in the town, and it to have a purpose and a sense of interaction. E.g. going to the toy store and buying/stealing (in the essence of oblivion) toys, or going to Raisins for food (lol). This could be a very good and massive (not just size, but content) game if done right... hopefully Matt Stone and Trey Parker see that the potential is enforced, and push for some of the Elder Scrolls freedom gameplay essence.
    the game will be based entirely in the Good Times With Weapons style, where the interesting things happen in their imaginations, with breaks from the story moving back to real life, i could see a great game in that regard.

    JacekRing"We must return the precious to the video store"is what comes to mind when they quoted the classes you can play
    with a moral choice if you watch the movie or not.
  • masterasia
    I can't wait to play this game as Mysterion or the Coon, hopefully they'll make it into the game. Love Southpark, but the games in the past have been the sh*tiest games ever made. The second half of this season's episodes have also gone done the toilet, so hopefully Obsidian can make something good here.

    Also on a side note....BASEketball is one of the best movies ever made.