VIDEO: New RAGE Game Clip Focuses on Gearheads

Bethesda released a new gameplay trailer from id's upcoming shooter RAGE which focuses on the Gearheads bandit clan. In this clip, the group has started combining Feltrite and Plutonium to create the ultimate power supply. The mayor of Subwaytown sends you on a mission to the clan's vault so that he can claim this new power for his own use....

RAGE is slated to arrive on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC on October 4, 2011.

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  • DjEaZy
    ... Gearheads? Vault? ... is this a war on 'borderlands' in some sense?
  • mute20
    looked ok no clue what the interest is.
  • bit_user
    gotta get me some o dat "felt-right".

    Seriously, with such crappy plot/dialog/acting, can you turn off the cinematics?
  • cybrcatter

  • kcorp2003
    amazing graphics running 60 frames. that's neat. love borderlands and fallout. going to get this game too.
  • opmopadop
    I dont get excited anymore about PC titles when I see its also on consols... These PC ports are starting to become disappointing.
  • reggieray
    Cool but not for the kiddie console, PC for me. You could tell this movie was done on the console because the way the player aimed, he sucked and he turned as he walked real slow too. Kiddie consoles suck for FPS games.
  • reggieray
    opmopadopI dont get excited anymore about PC titles when I see its also on consols... These PC ports are starting to become disappointing.This is done with the new Tech 5 engine (very scalable) from John Carmack/iD Software. The PC version should rock too.
  • cwolf78
    Yeah not only could you tell a game pad was being used, the textures are horribly compressed. This is one of the console versions for sure. I hope they release some newer footage from the PC version. Haven't seen any except from a long time ago.
  • stingstang
    I keep thinking,"Oh my god! Shoulder that shotty! You have crap aim from the hip!"