Felix Baumgartner's Jump Recreated with LEGO

This past weekend, the world watched as Felix Baumartner jumped from 24 miles above the Earth's surface, free falling for over four minutes and breaking records for the highest skydive, the highest manned balloon flight, and the fastest free fall.

In light of Baumgartner's success, folks at Vienna’s ModelMaker Fair decided to recreate the whole thing on a 1:350 scale.  They've included everything from balloon to dedicated ground crew. Check it out below:

You might have noticed that the LEGO minifig doesn't actually make it into near space. If that's what you were hoping to see, the video below shows two Canadian teenagers sending a LEGO minifig to Baumgartner heights.

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  • Marco925
    Anything can be redone with Lego!
  • freggo
    Lego can now use Felix from Austria as the new spokes person :-)

  • ddpruitt
    I'm sure it counts as the highest lego jump on record ;)

    Geeks and legos
  • koga73
  • daglesj
    The plural of Lego is...Lego.

    Not Legos. You get laughed at if you say that.
  • edogawa
    That was so cool. :D
  • aoneone
    ..and then your big brother comes and BOOT stomps on all those legos to broken pieces!! muahahahha top that!!
  • pliskin1
    Anyone else notice the lego dude with the head on backwards at around 10 seconds in?