AMD Accuses Former Managers of Stealing Secrets for Nvidia

Robert Feldstein, since July 2012 vice president of Technology Licensing at Nvidia (previously vice president of strategic development at AMD), as well as managers Manoo Desai, Nicolas Kociuk and Richard Hagen are accused of having copied more than 150,000 confidential files from AMD's server to external storage media prior to their departure. Desai, now a senior manager for chip design at Nvidia, allegedly took more than 200 files containing product and chip manufacturing details, while Kociuk is accused to have taken all contents of his desktop and notebook PC with him - a total of about 150,000 files.

Feldstein and Hagen are also accused to have convinced Desai to leave AMD, while Desai convinced at least Kociuk to join Nvidia.

In an initial temporary restraining order, the defendants are ordered to surrender computers and storage devices for forensic evaluation, preserve the data on their devices, refrain from accessing the data and divulge confidential information, and refrain from hiring or soliciting other AMD employees. AMD was ordered to post $10,000 bond as security and cost of damages that may be incurred by possibly innocent defendants.

The case will proceed with a hearing on January 28.

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  • kcorp2003
    this will be interesting. I would expect Nvidia to say, we didn't take anything.
  • xpeh
    Nvidia has been bribing everyone for a long time, so I'm not surprised. Plus, a bunch of Execs leaving within a month is quite suspicious.
  • abbadon_34
    This could be quite interesting, let's see if something meaning happens or this just becomes a footnote should AMD fold
  • Shin-san
    This is part of business: stealing your competition's best talent. Then again, I feel that it's just a better idea to make something new than to copy someone else's work.

    I'm not going to say which company is right here. If nVidia stole, then yes, they are bad guys. If they didn't, then AMD is falsely accusing
  • merandos
    Why would Nvidia do such a stupid obvious thing ? i don't get it, they got their own and a bit better reputation, why would they screw it up ?!! and i don't think that AMD has done something that Nvida can't do so Nvidia stole it ?!! dunno...
  • boju
    nVadeon :)

  • derekullo
    Nvidia was trying to steal the secret formula of success that AMD has ... /sarcasm
  • bojunVadeonGeRadeon sounds better.
  • esrever
    merandosWhy would Nvidia do such a stupid obvious thing ? i don't get it, they got their own and a bit better reputation, why would they screw it up ?!! and i don't think that AMD has done something that Nvida can't do so Nvidia stole it ?!! dunno...nvidia's good reputation in itself is a funny joke.
  • xpeh
    derekulloNvidia was trying to steal the secret formula of success that AMD has ... /sarcasm
    I consider AMD's video cards highly successful.

    merandosWhy would Nvidia do such a stupid obvious thing ? i don't get it, they got their own and a bit better reputation, why would they screw it up ?!! and i don't think that AMD has done something that Nvida can't do so Nvidia stole it ?!! dunno...
    You've gotta admit, AMD's new Catalyst drivers are pretty awesome compared to what Nvidia's offering. Maybe they wanted their driver technology. I also read that AMD's whole source code tree was stolen as well.