Blizzard Unveils Dev Update for Diablo III

During the Gamescom 2010 event held over in Cologne, Germany, Diablo 3 game director Jay Wilson provided an overall development update for the upcoming action/RPG. Currently the team is taking a broad approach by building up enough content so that they can begin the "polishing" process.

"We have good examples of what does it look like for monsters when we're at ship level, what does it look like for classes, what does it look like for items, we have the answers to those questions, but there's still some story and questing stuff that's not hitting the quality level that we want, so those are the things we're working on," he said in an interview.

Presently the team is still adding monsters, working on bosses (some of which haven't been created thus far), and working on all the Acts. Wilson said that some of the areas still haven't been built, however the team is "building very fast."

"We're not in discovery mode anymore," he added.

The interview also revealed Diablo 3 will be similar in size to its predecessor, Diablo 2. "There are some differences here and there, exterior environments are a little more diverse, dungeons are about the same," he said. "Even the way the Acts increase in length and then scale down. We intentionally did that again because we thought, some of that was done to ship Diablo 2, but we thought it had a good feel to it to reduce the length of later acts so that you feel like you're accelerating towards the finale."

To read the full update, head here.

  • Eman25th
    Just as i expected, another 2-3 years.
  • soccerplayer88

    Are you telling me that Diablo 3 might be done before 2012!?

    Party at my place!
  • Jquarter00
    I'm not going to hold my breath on D3. I love the series and in fact still play a mod of D2 from time to time, but I feel like I've been waiting F..O..R..E..V..E..R (que sandlot).
  • silentq
    Good to know that gameplay/game components won't deviate much from D2. Another year or two? Life is a waiting game... it sucks!
  • borisof007
    People are so negative. This game should hopefully be available for a Q4 2011 release if they stay on track.
  • ArgleBargle
    At least Starcraft 2 was released this year. I fully expected to see nothing but WoW products this decade.
  • 'discovery' mode must have followed after the 'forgotten' mode
  • liquidblue
    Can't wait for this game. It's gonna be awesome!
  • jhansonxi
    Jquarter00I'm not going to hold my breath on D3. I love the series and in fact still play a mod of D2 from time to time, but I feel like I've been waiting F..O..R..E..V..E..R (que sandlot).The Median XL mod will give you something to do until then. Add a Glide3 wrapper to enable 3D effects and better graphics acceleration (you'll need it with Median XL). Diablo II works beautifully on Ubuntu Linux with Wine.
  • myriad46
    Who f'ing cares anymore. D2's expansion pack was released in 2001. Really? 10 years? They'll probably release it for PS3 (or PS4 for that matter), and then say, "Oh sorry PC fans who started the whole thing...we'll have your version out in another year or so." This whole thing is just pathetic.