DNF Demo Also For Borderlands Steam Buyers

When we found out that buyers of the Borderlands Game of the Year edition would be getting early access to the Duke Nukem Forever demo, we felt pretty bad for everyone who purchased the game last year on its initial run.

While buyers of boxed copy may still be left out in the cold, if you bought it from Steam, then you're in luck. It turns out that those who bought Borderlands on Steam will also be getting a free early access pass to the Duke Nukem Forever demo whenever it releases.

There's also an interesting angle here for those who are just Duke-crazy. Borderlands is $19.99 on Steam right now, which presents an interesting option for those who just want to play Duke ASAP without enjoying all the greatness that's in Borderlands.

UPDATE: Nevermind that, it seems that only the Game of the Year version gives the early Duke access now for new purchases. Boo.

Source: Big Download

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • proxy711
    I'm pretty sure i read that they are only giving Borderlands owners the code for the demo if you owned borderlands before the GOTY edition came out. and that now if you buy the $20 version of Borderlands you wont get the code anymore.
  • back_by_demand
    Time to log into Steam and burn a hole in my credit card
  • proxy711
    Don't buy the $20 dollar steam game just because you want a demo key I've confirmed that it doesn't give a demo key anymore.

    People that have bought the $20 version of Borderlands aren't getting the demo Keys! there are multiple posts on the steam forums about it.
    Only the GOTY edition provides demo keys now!
    Marcus delete the last paragraph!
  • kriminal
    hmm will check this later..
  • thechief73
    Sad to hear that Proxy711, it seems to me that this would be rectified somehow by Steam and/or Gearbox, at least I would hope. As for me I had bought Borderlands through Steam Sale for $10.13(non-GOTY version, I loved it. Besides bad menu controls and a few other PORT! problems) and I have a redeem code for the DNF demo. Thanks Gearbox and Steam, at least some are trying to do right for thier customers, you guys are awsome!!!
  • sildar
    It's a pretty confusing issue. I bought the game (and then-available DLC) on sale a month or so ago. A friend bought the game (and no DLC) a few days later. To clarify, neither of us bought the GOTY edition, because it wasn't available. My friend got a DNF demo code, but I haven't.
  • f-gomes
    Who cares about a DNF demo? I don't need to test drive, as if you're reading this website, you won't need a test drive. You'll just get it, period.

    Enough with this bullsh1t news just to get some more page hits.
  • redrabbit803
    Anyone who has bought Borderlands (GOTY or not) via Steam can get a copy of the demo code. Just look under your Borderlands CD key and you should see it. Then go here.

  • BallistaMan
    redrabbit803Anyone who has bought Borderlands (GOTY or not) via Steam can get a copy of the demo code. Just look under your Borderlands CD key and you should see it. Then go here. http://www.dukenukem.com/accessConfirmed, worked with my regular copy of Borderlands (got it during the last $5 sale ^^).
  • BallistaMan
    So perhaps it's a question of buying it on Steam prior to the deal being announced?