Facebook Announces Project Cambria Mixed Reality Headset

In a livestream for Facebook Connect 2021, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced Project Cambria, a next-generation, high-end Mixed Reality headset that will raise the bar for how customers interact with virtual words. It's still in the development stages, but with "encouraging progress" being made towards a bridge between VR and AR, Meta (which Facebook renamed itself as during the event) feels it will have a product ready as early as next year.

Project Cambria will features high-resolution, full-color video passthrough to the headset’s screens, which will allow it to showcase not only the physical space you're involved in, but also overlay it with augmented reality. Zuckerberg explained the cutting-edge nature of the device as requiring  price tag high end of the price spectrum” price tag.

Project Cambria is expected to make use of a new generation of optics that would make it slimmer than existing headsets. New sensors handle the improved tracking features, as well as take in, algorithmically process, reconstruct and augment your immediate physical reality.

The headset features face and eye tracking, which will work in conjunction with avatars that closely mimic your actual movements into the digital real. And so that those lifelike avatar interactions are more engaging than simple digital video conferencing, Facebook also announced Horizon Home for Oculus experience, enhancing the existing virtual home by allowing users to invite digital friends over to play games, watch movies, or hang out. Customization for these virtual spaces will take slightly longer to arrive.

Stills from the Facebook connect 2021 Livestream

(Image credit: Facebook connect 2021)

Also bundled into today's announcements and teases was the news that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is under development for the VR space. We're getting a remastered version of San Andreas already this year as part of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy, so it would make sense that a VR version may make use of the remastered assets coming out of that release, but details were virtually absent. Like project Cambria, we'll have to wait for further details.

Grand Theft Auto san Andreas Announcement

(Image credit: Facebook/Rockstar Games)
Francisco Pires
Freelance News Writer

Francisco Pires is a freelance news writer for Tom's Hardware with a soft side for quantum computing.

  • JamesJones44
    Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see that being all that product-able to the mass market. VR/AR is interesting, but having something strapped to my head to do it isn't all that enticing to me and I'm a semi-serious gamer. I guess as long as Facebook uses peoples vain to fund research that could one day be more viable for non-head strapped devices I can get behind the idea.
  • TheDane
    Not going to touch any VR headset from FB.
  • HyperMatrix
    I’d much rather a high refresh rate wide fov OLED headset for stereoscopic 3D. Don’t care for VR and having to move around and all that. Just give me truly immersive 3D and I’ll be happy.

    Also as another user mentioned…not going to be using a Facebook product. Social media is cancer.
  • BikerK969
    it remembers me a catoon where a ugly old woman types in a chat
    "I'm a stripper ..."
    and on the other side a fat ugly old man responds the chat with
    "yea, I'm a chippendale"
    .. and both of them got a brain-cinema effect
  • mwestall
    "Zuckerberg explained the cutting-edge nature of the device as requiring price tag high end of the price spectrum” price tag."

    Any chance of employing a proof reader, you know, instead of putting out illiterate nonsense?
  • TerryLaze
    JamesJones44 said:
    but having something strapped to my head to do it isn't all that enticing to me
    Having to hold something in your hand all the time and only being able to control it with only your thumbs and having neck pain because you have to look down at it all the time doesn't sound that good either but here we are with like 85% of people doing this all day long.
  • thepersonwithaface45
    TerryLaze said:
    Having to hold something in your hand all the time and only being able to control it with only your thumbs and having neck pain because you have to look down at it all the time doesn't sound that good either but here we are with like 85% of people doing this all day long.
    are we talking about a controller or a mouse + kb? regardless why are you looking down haha
  • TerryLaze
    thepersonwithaface45 said:
    are we talking about a controller or a mouse + kb? regardless why are you looking down haha
  • husker
    If Facebook can cancel anyone they want at any time (thus cutting off access to the device and content), then why would anyone want this? Especially a business which could stand to lose a lot of work product or investment because Facebook decides their company logo doesn't meet the current woke standards?
  • TerryLaze
    husker said:
    If Facebook can cancel anyone they want at any time (thus cutting off access to the device and content), then why would anyone want this? Especially a business which could stand to lose a lot of work product or investment because Facebook decides their company logo doesn't meet the current woke standards?
    I very much doubt that would have to connect to facebook for this to work, this will be stand alone hardware that devs will be able to make work with anything.
    (And if not then somebody will be able to hack it)