Try Out 'For Honor' In The Open Beta, February 9-12 (Updated)

Update, 2/9/2017, 8:58 a.m. PST: The open beta is now available to play. Ubisoft also released the pre-loading times for those who want to get a head start in downloading the finished game. If you're on the Xbox One, you can start pre-loading now. Those playing on PC via Steam or Uplay can pre-load the game on February 10 at 9 a.m. PST. PlayStation 4 fans won't be able to start the download until midnight (local time) on February 12.

Another chance to play For Honor before it comes out on February 14 is coming soon. After the closed beta this past weekend, an open beta is set to run February 9-12.

In the open beta, you can play the game’s four modes. In the past, fans were able to try Dominion (capture three points on the map), Brawl (two versus two, best of five rounds), and Duel (one on one combat, best of five rounds). In the open beta, you’ll be able to try the new Elimination mode, which pits two teams (four players each) against each other, but there are no respawns when you die in combat. Similar to Brawl and Duel, Elimination is a best-of-five game.

The session will also feature the "War of the Factions" meta game, which will determine which is the best of the three major groups: Samurai, Vikings, or Knights. At the beginning of the beta, you’ll have a chance to pick your favorite faction and contribute to the war effort. The meta game will take into account all of a faction’s moves from PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One players and combine them to reveal that faction’s strength in the conflict.

You won’t get far in the War of the Factions in the three-day beta, but it’s a chance to see how it works across all three platforms. The open beta is also another way for Ubisoft to see how the game’s servers handle a massive load of players, so expect to experience some server problems throughout the weekend.

In order to get yourself ready for the fight, be sure to read our preview of the game’s multiplayer and campaign from December. You can also check out the game's PC requirements to see if your hardware is up to the task.

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NameFor Honor
TypeAction, Melee, Third-Person
DeveloperUbisoft Montreal
PlatformsPC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Release DateFebruary 14, 2017
Where To BuyUplay ShopSteamPlayStation StoreXbox StoreAmazonBest BuyTargetWalmartGameStop
  • WildCard999
    Beta was fun but the matchmaking for multiplayer (PC) was painfully slow, hopefully this will be addressed before release.
  • clonazepam
    I legit loved the closed beta on PC. I had to take breaks to let the adrenalin surges pass. I could feel the beads of sweat running down my torso. The combat just felt so visceral. I always felt like... there was a chance I could pull out a victory.

    I connected with the raider character far more than any other. I loved the pace of the combat. There's enough to be able to jump right in and feel effective, with enough room to grow into an elite player. I need more playtime to be sure.

    It'll be interesting to see how beefy the single player campaign is and exactly how they handle the in-game shop (heard its similar in ways to R6 Siege, so we'll see.

    Of all the titles and DLCs releasing in February-April timeframe, this one has me the most excited. I can still pass it up quite easily if I don't like what I see outside of multiplayer.

    I didn't have any sort of connection issues except a few here and there during Dominion matches. I like how it handles that, pausing combat until connection issues resolve themselves, or just end the match. There's no fun in a lengthy, buggy match that might go on forever with little or no reward at the end.
  • mlga91
    This open beta is giving me a pleasant surprize, it runs quite well despite being a beta, my old i5 2400 is not breaking a sweat and my 1060 is pushing 60 fps@1440p at maximum settings.