Google is for girls?

Webpronews reports about Microsoft's "Demographic Prediction" tool that recently has been made available on the company's Ad Center Labs website. Designed to help advertisers to find out more about the demographics about a certain product or a website, it is a unique application on the Internet, but may not be very accurate at this time.

Especially when it comes to some of Microsoft's competitors the predictions turn up surprising results. For example, MSN's readership is estimated to be about 59% male with ages distributed from below 18 to above 50. At least according to this application, Google's users are very different: 100% of the search engine's users are female and between 25 and 34 years old. Yahoo apparently has similar users: 93% are female and almost 80% are between 25-34 years old.

Just in case you are wondering, 33% of TG Daily readers and 30% of Tom's Hardware readers are female, according to Microsoft. The numbers may not be as far off as they are for Google and Yahoo, but we are glad that Microsoft admits that the tool needs some fine-tuning: The fine print of the page reads: "The statistics on this page are based on undisclosed size of sample data and are for proof of concept only."