Nvidia Driver Version 375.86 Covers 'Battlefield 1,' 'Steep' Open Beta

Nvidia has released version 375.86 of its graphics drivers for Windows.

Version 375.86 mainly affects Battlefield 1 and Civilization VI, new gameplay in Tom Clancy's The Division’s upcoming “Survival” downloadable content, and the upcoming launch of Steep’s open beta.

The updated driver also brings a temporal SLI profile for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. However, depending on your operating system, the driver still has some lingering issues. Be sure to check the release notes to see which issues affect specific games.

Still, the updated driver arrives at the perfect time. Battlefield 1 recently received a massive update full of fixes and balances, the open beta for Steep starts on November 18, and although the release date for the "Survival" DLC for Tom Clancy's The Division is still a mystery, PC players can test the new features on the game's Public Test Server.

To download the driver, visit Nvidia’s download page, which also has the latest release notes.

  • jared426
    Heard there's a lot of issues with this update. I'd avoid it.
  • Guineasaurus
    Skyrim SE i was getting well over 60FPS on Oct 28 driver, Nov15 driver it struggles to get 30FPS with MSi Gaming X GTX1070
  • ubercake
    No problem with the update here. Works fine.
  • wysir
    But does it cover monitor signal loss, black screens and PC crashes?
  • junkeymonkey
    ya, not many happy campers here ?


    like one guy from a driver feed back awile back said ''seems NVidia brakes more then they fix these days '' heck I'm still on 355.82 . I thought getting a way from AMD cards was going to be a breath of fresh air driver wise but seems like I just jumped out of a frying pan into a fire

    NVidia was all ways known for there drivers stability and to be solid but the past year or so sure don't seem to be that way then seems like they spit out another new driver every 2 weeks how do you keep up ? you don't you stick with a solid older driver that works lol....

    anyway as they say maybe better luck next time ????
  • Faux_Grey
    SLI Gtx 1080.

    BF1 menus broken with flickering, unreadable text, no issues in-game.

    Stupid thing is, after the newest BF1 update, the game doesn't launch unless you're using the newest drivers.
  • SinxarKnights
    I actually just updated to this driver and immediately afterward I seen somewhere that the drivers were completely broken.

    I have been testing them with the games I am currently playing and they seem fine for my PC anyway. Memory isn't getting locked at 800Mhz or anything crazy like that and the gif artifact thing appears to be fixed.

    I just did the normal update though. Installed over the old ones to keep the settings (no GFE). Wonder if it only affected people who did a DDU install or a clean install with the driver?

    ed: forgot this is with a GTX 1070 (Strix 1070 Gaming OC).
  • junkeymonkey
    ''Stupid thing is, after the newest BF1 update, the game doesn't launch unless you're using the newest drivers. ''

    I seen this in reverse with AMD I got games if you use a driver newer the like 12.6 they will not work anymore like AMD removed what ever was needed in there later drivers that gave support to them games , gone

    went back to NVidia card and all work as normal with any driver