Optimus Maximus Keyboard Sold On Ebay For $2750

Lilburn (GA) - One of the first OLED keyboards from Russian design studio Art Lebedev has been sold on Ebay.

The story of the Optimus Maximus keyboard has turned up another interesting twist. Back in 2005, when the project was announced, we learned that the finished keyboard should cost about as much as a higher-end cellphone. The price eventually ended up at $1564.72 for a fully featured keyboard with a limited availability or $462.30 for a keyboard with only one OLED key (which is currently available via pre-order).

If you want to purchase that Optimus Maximus, however, here in the U.S. on Ebay, you will have to pay much more than what you normally would be spending on a high-end cellphone. Think about the cost of a higher-end PC instead.

Last week, one sample of Optimus Maximus keyboard sold out for $2750 on the auction site.

It appears that several bidders were in battle but in the end, advantagesystems took home the gold. It is interesting to see that the keyboard actually comes with two spare OLED keys. Their purpose is of course, to work as replacements if one of the keys on a keyboard dies or develops a bad pixel. Bear in mind that these spares do not cover the Space bar, Enter or any other non-standard size keys.