Backward Compatibility Coming For Original Xbox Titles

Sometimes, the most exciting new game announcements are short and sweet. Two years ago, Microsoft announced that the Xbox One would be backward compatible with Xbox 360 games. The program has been a success; so much so, in fact, that Microsoft is about to wind the clock back even farther. Soon, the Xbox One will be able to play games from the original Xbox, dating all the way back to 2001.

Microsoft announced the new (or old, depending on your point of view) feature at its E3 2017 press conference. There’s not much information available yet. We don’t know which games will be available, whether you can use your original discs, or how much it will cost, if anything.

What we do know, however, is that Microsoft has listened to some of the original Xbox’s most vocal fans. One game will definitely be available as part of the backward compatibility program: Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge, the beloved flight combat simulator.

Microsoft should have more information about original Xbox compatibility in the near future. Until then, if you haven’t already sold your old Xbox discs, hang onto them for now. They might just get a second life real soon.

  • thundervore
    I cant think of a single Xbox game from 16 years ago I want to play today, yes the graphics were good but none of the games made a lasting effect. Halo is the only thing that came to mind and its on PC

    SNES? yes, there were lots of RPG and adventure games

    Dreamcast? yes, great non sonic games lost in time

    N64? yes, Rare. yes, every game made by that company for N64 was awesome. From Goldeneye which started FPS battles to Conkers Bad fur Day. Too bad Microsoft castrated them!

    PS1? Yes. so much great games like Bloody Roar and Metal Gear Solid.
  • boju
    19805494 said:
    From Goldeneye which started FPS battles

    Say what mate

    Goldeneye was great though ;P

  • hfm
    My wife is an Elder Scrolls fan, but she started o with Oblivion on 360 (I've been playing since Arena). She's hoping for Morrowind. We have the disc in a drawer somewhere.
  • Flipzides
    Backwards compatibility for Original Xbox games is awesome! I have fond memories playing Morrowind, Jade Empire, Crimson Skies, Psychonauts, KOTOR 1 and 2, Brute Force, Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Burnout 3, Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Phantom Dust, Fable, and of course Halo 1 & 2. I think I still have some of these disks in a box in the garage.
  • alextheblue
    I've still got all my original XB games. It would be nice if XB1 and later could play them as well as my 360 titles. In the meantime if I want to fire something up my 360 still runs, and it plays the majority of my classic XB titles.
  • chibiwings
    Shenmue II
  • bjornl
    Wish I still had some of those titles. For example some of those older racing games simply had better driving dynamics. Rallisport, for example.
  • Jsimenhoff
    19805494 said:
    I cant think of a single Xbox game from 16 years ago I want to play today, yes the graphics were good but none of the games made a lasting effect. Halo is the only thing that came to mind and its on PC

    Perhaps I can name a few for you :)

    Jet Set Radio Future
    Shenmue II
    The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
    Panzer Dragoon Orta
    Genma Onimusha
    Ninja Gaiden
    Conker: Live And Reloaded

    This is not to including the aforementioned Crimson Skies and the recent remasters Voodoo Vince and Phantom Dust. I've mentioned all of these titles for their unique concepts, character designs, and gameplay mechanics. Few if any have been emulated or successfully reproduced since then.

  • dstarr3
    Project Gotham Racing, obviously.
  • thundervore
    19807058 said:
    19805494 said:
    I cant think of a single Xbox game from 16 years ago I want to play today, yes the graphics were good but none of the games made a lasting effect. Halo is the only thing that came to mind and its on PC

    Perhaps I can name a few for you :)

    Jet Set Radio Future
    Shenmue II
    The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
    Panzer Dragoon Orta
    Genma Onimusha
    Ninja Gaiden
    Conker: Live And Reloaded

    This is not to mention the aforementioned Crimson Skies and the recent remasters Voodoo Vince and Phantom Dust. I've mentioned all of these titles for their unique concepts, character designs, and gameplay mechanics. Few if any have been emulated or successfully reproduced since then.

    Jet Set Radio Future ( 16 years ago maybe, but not 2017)
    Gunvalkeryie (Dreamcast)
    Shenmue II (Dreamcast)
    The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (PC)
    Panzer Dragoon Orta (PS2)
    Otogi (wasn't interesting)
    Genma Onimusha (PC)
    Breakdown (no replay value)
    MechAssault (decent)
    Ninja Gaiden (Tenchu was better)
    Conker: Live And Reloaded (A remake of the N64 version....)

    Out of all those games only Mechassult was a decent game. All other games had no lasting value or was available on other platforms. For this backward compatibility to work the need Exclusive titles that weren't available on any other platforms