Sony Says Make Restore Discs Yourself

Sometimes the smallest things can indicate drastic things are taking place.

I accompanied a friend to a Sony Style store because he was interested in buying a Sony ultra-portable. After bruising through several notebooks and asking for my opinion on which Sony he should pick up, we both decided on the TT series based on what he wanted.

After telling the in store sales person what we wanted to buy, we were taken over to a desk and the TT was brought out. As we began to examine the notebook for any signs of possible defects--like hot or stuck pixels on the LCD screen--the sales person told us that the unit doesn't come with recovery discs. In fact, the sales person indicated that Sony no longer ships recovery discs with its notebooks.

We turned our heads at each other with confused looks, simply because retail systems usually come with restore discs. At least that's how it's always been.

The sales person then explained to us that Sony now recommends that as soon as you finish setting up your new system, to go out and buy 4 blank DVD discs and run the create-restore setup.

Apparently, this is one of the new ways that Sony is trying to improve its bottom line and save on costs. As far as I know, discs are cheap, and factory-pressed non-writable discs are even cheaper to manufacture.

Is this an indication of how bad companies have been hit by the economy? Enough to exclude recovery discs with systems? It's simple enough to run the utility for the TT and most people these days have spare blanks, but what if you perform this task a few days later and something had gone wrong at the software level?

If companies are leaving out something as inexpensive as some recover discs, then we wonder what companies are making shortcuts on that aren't so obvious to the customer? Cheaper internal components may be used. Lower quality grade plastics or metal--who knows?

Have you discovered any purchases you've made recently that omitted something you expected to be there?

  • tixarn1
    neither my notebook or my PC came with one. :(
  • cregan89
    Worked at best buy. Sony and all other oem's haven't included recovery discs with their computers for YEARS. Way before the economy started to fall apart. The only laptop manufacturers I know of that include recovery discs right now are Dell and IBM Lenovo. All other manufacturers have a program that starts on first boot telling you to insert 2 blank dvd's and it will burn the recovery image onto them.
  • tenor77
    Well MS should be loving this policy.
    "But I had Windows on there already. Why do I have to buy it again?"

    So what percentage of users do you think do this without being prompted?
  • exar333
    This is old news; I bought a Sony Vaio for my girlfriend 2.5 years ago and this was the approach. I don't see an issue really. If you aren't bright enough to create the restore disk, your probably the person who would toss these out, after opening you computer anyway. :)
  • pyroholtz
    What about a portion of the HDD dedicated to recovery as Dell and other manufacturers do. Now obviously this doesn't solve mechanical HDD failures, but its a start.

  • Read the find print, the recovery dics must be made on bluray media.
  • samely
    A very low percentage actually do it. I do warranty repairs all the time, and what usually happens is they have to purchase the discs from the manufacturer after they have the machine.
  • bloody_el
    I worked over at Circuit City for 8 months up till they shut down. As far as I know, only Toshiba and Lenovo carry Restore Disks. Because I did work on people's computers through Firedog, and thats the only time I've seen them. HP, Compaq, Sony, Acer, and my girlfriends Dell (from Best Buy) did/does not come with Restore Disks.
  • mikeyp
    Actually this is not necessarily a reflection on the current economic climate. Sony has not been offering recovery discs for 1-1.5 years now!

    I do not agree. Discs are cheap, how many consumers won't take the effort or will mess it up somehow or have a write error in the dics. The company should make the discs.
  • producepete
    I worked at Best Buy a couple years ago and at that time I only remember Toshiba models having recovery discs included. The rest was burn it yourself or have GeekSquad do it for you (for a fee of course). All in all a pretty lousy way to save a few cents at the most. Besides which, all the companies not providing discs where waiting for the user to have a crash or HD failure and then hit them up for money to provide discs (anywhere from $40 to $150 bucks for a recovery set depending on the manufacturer). Pretty lousy way of treating a customer if you ask me.