Is Sony to Blame for the PlayStation 3 Launch Violence?

The Circuit City in Hawthorne, Calif., had 100 60GB PlayStation 3 consoles for the Thursday night launch.

The Circuit City in Hawthorne, Calif., had 100 60GB PlayStation 3 consoles for the Thursday night launch.

Circuit City made sure to let eager shoppers lined up outside that they had received their shipment of 100 60GB consoles.

Circuit City made sure to let eager shoppers lined up outside that they had received their shipment of 100 60GB consoles.

A member of the "Man Law" group waits at the beginning of the line just outside the Circuit City entrance.

A member of the "Man Law" group waits at the beginning of the line just outside the Circuit City entrance.

Radio station KROQ set up a tent outside the store and raffled off 5 PS3s for the crowd.

Radio station KROQ set up a tent outside the store and raffled off 5 PS3s for the crowd.

The waiting crowd sits patiently outside the store as the minutes tick by Thursday night.

The waiting crowd sits patiently outside the store as the minutes tick by Thursday night.

Several members of the "Man Law" group, who were first in line and had waited several days for the PS3 launch.

Several members of the "Man Law" group, who were first in line and had waited several days for the PS3 launch.

A number of Hawthorne police officers were on hand to help keep the peace and control the eager crowd outside Circuit City.

A number of Hawthorne police officers were on hand to help keep the peace and control the eager crowd outside Circuit City.

Circuit City passed out vouchers good for one 60GB PS3 to the first 100 people in line.

Circuit City passed out vouchers good for one 60GB PS3 to the first 100 people in line.

Several people toward the back of the line wait anxiously to see if there will be enough vouchers for them.

Several people toward the back of the line wait anxiously to see if there will be enough vouchers for them.

Inside the Circuit City store, there were plenty of accessories like additional PS3 controllers.

Inside the Circuit City store, there were plenty of accessories like additional PS3 controllers.

More goodies for PS3 shoppers.

More goodies for PS3 shoppers.