Nvidia Dumps 9000 Series Name: New GPUs Will Be Called GTX 260 / 280

Nvidia has decided to depart from its current product naming strategy and introduce a completely new sequence number for its upcoming GT200 chips.

The new GPUs, also knows as NV60 graphics processors, will be called the GTX 260 / 280, according to an The GTX add-on now moves to the front of the sequence number and we assume that future mainstream parts will receive a GTS or GT name, while low-end entry-level parts will end-up with the SE name.

  • CompTIA_Rep
    So, maybe in a year, we will have 440mx cards? Fantastic.
  • stabgotham
  • Pei-chen
    No, it'll be the MX 440. Nvidia didn't move from prefix to suffix until the FX generation. I want to have a Geforce 2 series as I didn’t buy the original.
  • gm0n3y
    I guess its starts to get a little ridiculous once you get into the quintuple digits. If they got to 10800 series, does the 11800 come next or the 20800?
  • judgedredd
    Well I guess giving real descriptive product names would not work. Having to have a legend of product line names to find the one you want since price is not always the best guide to the power of the product.
  • pocketdrummer
    They could have come up with something simple that wouldn't overlap their existing numbers. ATI got it right with the roman numerals when they went to the X800. They don't have to use roman numerals, but some similar idea wouldn't be that hard to figure out.
  • fransizzle
    I just hope that they avoid the confusion of the 8/9 series naming in the future.
  • zachthurston
    @fransizzle: Yeah I second that, their naming sucks.
    This article is confusing, is the GTX 280 thing what you will be looking at on the box (IE 8800gt) or is it the actual name of the GPU (IE g80, g92, gt200)? If its the former (which is what the article sounds like its saying) then why did they skip GTX 100 and go straight to 200?
  • bounty
    maybe they should just go with a year based system. GForce 2008GTX (GTS, GT or SE) Then GForce 2009GTX, GTS, GT or SE... possibly a GForce 2009GTX Dual.... or GForce 2010GTX Quad.

    Then as long as the new GTX, GTS, GE and SE's are as fast or faster than last years model, we're cool. Plus that makes it handy to remember when the car... I mean card came out.
  • doomsdaydave11
    CompTIA_RepSo, maybe in a year, we will have 440mx cards? Fantastic.

    I think they should do this: The geforce 1. The geforce 2, etc. etc. And then when a new series of cards comes along and the flagship would be called Geforce 4 or whatever. So then you would be able to go like. "Well hey, I have a geforce 2, so the geforce 4 must be twice as powerful!" lol. It would definately simplify things no?