Stardock Reveals 'Ashes of the Singularity' Release Date, Brand New Trailer

Stardock announced March 31, 2016 as the release date for Oxide Games’ real-time strategy game Ashes of the Singularity. Set in a future where humanity has expanded into the stars and is now in conflict for control of key planets in the galaxy, players wage planetary warfare on a massive scale to conquer opponents and control planets.

The Launch Date Trailer shows off some of the various factions’ weaponry and military technology, including a blast from the devastating orbital strike cannon. One of the game’s key features is its Nitrous 3D engine, whose 64-bit, multi-core foundation supports DirectX 11, DirectX 12 and multiple GPUs.

A while back we sat down with Dan Baker, one of the co-founders of Oxide Games, and discussed what makes the Nitrous 3D engine unique. Ashes of the Singularity is currently available in Early Access on Steam or through Stardock. The full version with all of its intended features will be released on March 31, 2016.

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  • f-14
    Ashes of the Singularity is currently available in Early Access on Steam or through Stardock.

    not available on stardock. atleast not any more just thru steam or by preorder which gives founders access
  • hst101rox
    Stardock, like the company behind Start8?
  • dragget
    Stardock, like the company behind Start8?
    Yup. They do quite a few game titles as well. Their Galactic Civilizations series, for instance.