This is Google's Chrome OS Notebook: The Cr-48

Google today took the wraps off of its Chrome OS Notebook, which it calls the Cr-48. It'll be the first of its kind as part of a pilot test program for Chrome OS, which is Google's operating system that leverages web connectivity and cloud storage in a way that no other platform before it has.

We don't know the full hardware specs of what's inside yet, but Google has revealed that it has a 12-inch screen, webcam, full-sized keyboard (but a search key where the caps lock usually is), Wi-Fi and built-in Verizon 3G support.

The thing weighs 3.8 lbs and has a battery that will give it over 8 hours active usage and a week standby time. The thing boots in about 10 seconds and resumes from sleep instantly – which is explained by the flash storage.

Check out more images of the notebook below, as well as the introductory video.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • Randomacts
    Secure + google = hahaha
  • Parsian
    i cant see myself ever using this... I use google docs and it is not fully reliable yet to be used a sole word processing software. Now imagine using this unreliability in junction with instability in internet connection (due to various reason), you have a notebook that is not reliable.

  • daeros
    Does that look anything like a black macbook from a few years ago to anyone else?
  • Parsian
    However, I would use it if i could use this in conjunction with my already available OS (that does not require constant internet connection), to keep track of my work both on my notebook and on the web. It would be great to have a backup and manipulation ability over the net just like google docs assuming this whole technology is reasonably secure.
  • jimslaid2
    Look's awesome! Great work Goog!
  • jimishtar
    @daeros u got your eyes right. and I bet its not black without reason :)) like Randomacts said. google OS = fishy...
  • IzzyCraft
    Good luck getting tech support if nexus one way a sign of anything.
  • This is it guys, this is the future of information technology, and where Cloud Computing is taking us. First we virtualize our servers, and then we virtualize our desktops, and then we virtualize ourselves. There will be no demand for I.T. support, only network engineers and coders...

    Get ready because there is no stopping this movement!
  • freename
    Does anyone else read Th Cr-48 as "The Crate"?
  • amk09

    I guess the only thing that matters in these is a quick CPU and a GPU that provides HD video playback.