Xbox One Unusable Without Day One Patch

Console launches rarely go off without a hitch, and it looks like the Xbox One will be no exception. In an interview with Engadget, Microsoft admitted that the Xbox One would be effectively useless without a patch coming on day one.

Senior Director Albert Penello, when asked what gamers could do with the new console out of the box said, "Nothing. You need the Day One update." Adding, "You're gonna need to take this update. It's not gonna be really an optional thing."

Current consoles are being manufactured with an outdated version of the operating system, and it highlights what we've known for some time now -- that even though these brand new consoles are already a couple of years behind modern PCs, this generation is being rushed to market.

  • mobrocket
    this makes no sense at all. So what does the O/S being shipped with the unit good for?
  • 06yfz450ridr
    red ring, red ring haha
  • de5_Roy
    so.. people will be buying a piece of brick on day one? nice going microsoft :pt1cable:
  • Gillerer
    I think they've done this intentionally to troll on people who get their console early.
  • catfishtx
    So much for offline play on Day 1.
  • Innocent_Bystander-1312890
    That's just sad... From the looks of things, all I'll need is a 770 to keep up for the next few years... if not the entire generation.
  • matt_b
    I'm not really sure any new bad publicity can tank the new console's reputation any further. Have to give Microsoft credit where it is due though.
  • MKBL
    Didn't Wii U have the same, actually worse off, day one patch? Like requiring massive download taking several hours?
  • MKBL
    Although I'm still happy with my original fat PS3 whose 40GB HDD was replaced with 500GB, I know I'm not going to buy any console on its first batch any more, setting aside day one configuration. The same thing goes for AAA game series with history of day-one glitches like Batman and BF. I am not willing to pay for frustration just enjoy being an early adopter.
  • JD88
    Why don't companies ever learn from the PR disasters that others experience. The press had a field day when Nintendo did the same thing with the Wii so Microsoft decides to do the same thing? Someone should be fired.