OCZ Unleashes Backlit Keyboard

For those who constantly find themselves typing in the dark, OCZ has a great solution to reduce those typos down to a minimum.

OCZ Technology revealed its cool new Alchemy Illuminati backlit multimedia keyboard, featuring rubber coated keys for a unique tactile feel, and a choice of two backlit colors (red and blue). Illuminating the letters rather than the entire key- that should make typing a lot easier during those World of Warcraft marathons down in the family dungeon. OCZ also said that the keyboard offers 14 multimedia and Internet hot keys to help manage music, web, and video applications "with the touch of a button."

“Building on our Alchemy line of peripherals OCZ is now introducing the Illuminati backlit keyboard,” commented Ryan Edwards, Director of Product Management at the OCZ Technology Group. “The Illuminati Keyboard offers multimedia consumers a host of features including rubber coated keys for comfort while both working and gaming, fourteen quick launch keys to better access to multimedia, and the choice of two backlit colors making it easier to make full use of the keyboard in low light environments.”

The Illuminati is compatible with a Windows operating system, although the company emphasized on XP with Service Pack 2 or later and Vista. The keyboard is 215mm wide, 495mm long and 30mm high, weighing around 850g. The keyboard connects to a USB 2.0 port, features an integrated palm rest, and has a lifespan of 5 million cycles. The keyboard is plug and play right out of the box, requiring no additional drivers.

While OCZ said that the Illuminati keyboard s designed with all the features of a quality keyboard without the hefty price tag, the company did not offer an actual price tag.

Hopefully the new OCZ keyboard will withstand a barrage of typing. We've exerpeinced faded keys from the likes of Logitech and other big name manufacturers in recent years with average use. Hopefully OCZ keeps quality on the high with its new keyboard.

  • Master Exon
    Looks really nice. I'd like to see a price
  • mrubermonkey
    When will keyboards with fully programmable normal sized OLED buttons come out and I do not just mean a handful of over sized programmable buttons on the side of the keyboard. Would be a dream for someone typing in multiple languages or playing different games. Macro buttons for games would have a much sorter learning curve on them.
  • mrubermonkey
  • fazers_on_stun
    Hmm, obviously they're trying to cash in on the Dan Brown Angels & Demons prequel movie coming out this summer.

    I have a Saitek Eclipse II illuminated keyboard with variable intensity plus 4 colors - off, red, blue & violet. Great for playing games with the lights down low, although quite spooky in the wee hours of the AM!! WOOooOO! :)
  • Tekkamanraiden
    @ mrubermonkey

    You mean like this? http://www.artlebedev.com/everything/optimus/
  • squatchman
    OCZ "unleashes" .... a product feature that has been around for years!!!!!1!1!1!!uno!
  • captaincharisma

    ok so according to you only one company should be advertising that they make backlit keyboards and no one else. just like saying only Sony can make TV's but anyone else who makes them cannot advertise it.

    grow up kid
  • ossie
    release date may 1st?
  • grieve
    I dont look @ the keyboard anymore :(

    Looks like a nice product though.
  • squatchman
    Calm down captaintroll, Some nobody releases information on a pretty generic-looking product and the new "BoM Tom's" team is INSTANTLY there! Maybe the writer had to meet some article quota for the month, maybe the nobody in question paid off BoM for the page long ad, or maybe Kevin was just bored...
