AMD Will Be in 109 New Laptops This Summer

Yahoo News, Reuters and other news outlets said Thursday that AMD's latest power-efficient processors will appear in 109 mainstream laptop models set for launch this summer--just in time for the back-to-school sales season. That's a significant jump compared to last year, with AMD showing up in only 40 laptop models in the same timeframe. It's also a sign that laptop manufacturers are looking for better solutions to reduce overall power consumption on devices.

"This is the first time we've seen this much attention to our notebooks," an unnamed source told Reuters. The insider also said that the company's offerings are growing steadily across the major PC manufacturers, a fact backed by a sudden spike in stock value from $3.22 to $8.27 per share on the New York Stock Exchange at the close of Thursday's session.

Reuters said one source indicated that AMD is receiving positive responses from top PC manufacturers based on AMD's attempts to simplify its numerous hardware options under the new "Vision" brand. They're also hyped up over the promises of improved battery life and better performance "across the line" that the new processors will bring.

Sources also said that AMD will pair the new processors with its own chipsets, bringing in more revenue per laptop than those built with AMD processors and Nvidia chipsets. Laptops offering the new AMD processors are expected to begin a rollout sometime in June, supplied by Acer, Dell, HP, and Lenovo.

  • deltatux
    It's good to see AMD fighting back at Intel. Hopefully the hype is real as AMD processors tend to have crappy battery lifespan since they were never efficient in the older models.
  • mados123
    I not sure how "spike" is defined but I think you are mistaking AMD's historical stock value. It was the beginning of April, 2009 that is was down around $3.22 per share, not April of 2010. Since November of 2009 it hasn't been below 6.

  • Shadow703793
    Good for them. About time AMD start giving Intel pretty good competition in the laptop space.
  • pollom
    For low cost lap tops I prefer AMD, better integrated video card, than intel crapy extreme graphics
  • LLJones
    Maybe now people will start to see how lousy intel graphics are. Their cpu's can't be beat, but I would take an ati gpu any day of the week.

    Will have to check these out this fall. Note to all, try to not drop your laptop when it is open or you will be waiting for fall sales like me. Don't get me wrong,it's still portable, but the lcd monitor not so much.
  • Hiniberus
    Great, I'll be looking around to see for any decent deals. While I probably won't be getting a new laptop any time soon (Tight budget orz) leads me to sticking with my Hell Latitude E6500 that can't even play a 2D fighting game (Melty Blood Act Cadenza) with winamp in the background (though probably a +5 GB playlist may have something to do with that...) but anyway I hope that laptop manufactures will say "Oh hey people like AMD graphics more? Let's stick with this then!" and thus the world will have a nice smile on it's face as people will manage to get better laptops at lower prices thanks to AMD's extra low prices.
  • killerclick
    Sorry AMD, I haven't bought an Intel desktop CPU since the Celeron A in 1999 but for laptops I always choose Intel. It's all about battery life and AMD can't compete.
  • spoofedpacket
    LLJonesMaybe now people will start to see how lousy intel graphics are. Their cpu's can't be beat, but I would take an ati gpu any day of the week. Will have to check these out this fall. Note to all, try to not drop your laptop when it is open or you will be waiting for fall sales like me. Don't get me wrong,it's still portable, but the lcd monitor not so much.
    Anyone who would hold out four or five months for a sale probably doesn't need a laptop as much as most people who need laptops. There are plenty of spectacular deals popping up all the time. You'll probably be paying more the rest of the year by missing out on the phasing out of many, many Core2duo models as i5 and i3's started showing up in their replacements.
  • lauxenburg
    AMD was having a bit of a rough time about 2-3 years ago, but I think now they are back in full swing. Four of my friends actually decided to buy/build new PCs this year and they are all AMD systems, ironically. They were all running Intel before that. I think people are identifying the strengths of AMD in price:performance and forgetting about getting that extra 1% of performance from Intel and paying 50% more for it.

    And by the looks of it, AMD is doing even better now. Phenom II X6 is a hit. Radeon is still doing well even with Fermi on the market. FirePro cards are looking really impressive too.

    Not sure how long this will hold up, though. Let's hope for the best. I am not a AMD fanboy but I appreciate AMD as a company. Intel is a pretty dirty company at heart. AMD is a little more modest in my opinion.
  • Nintendork
    And we also have the computex where AMD will unveil some details on the HD6000. Good months for AMD.

    PII X6 will hit i7's hard. If more people realize that it will be even better.