Valve's Counter-Strike: GO Dated and Priced

Valve Software said on Monday that Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (GO) is slated to arrive on August 21, 2012. The new shooter will be available on the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade and Steam for the PC and Mac, and sold for approximately $15 on all platforms.

"CS: GO will expand upon the team-based action gameplay pioneered when Counter-Strike was launched almost 13 years ago (CS beta 1, August 1999)," Valve stated in an email. "CS: GO features new maps, characters, and weapons and delivers updated versions of the classic CS content (de_dust, etc.). In addition, CS: GO introduces new gameplay modes, matchmaking, leader boards, and more."

Counter-Strike: GO was developed by Valve Software in cooperation with Seattle-based Hidden Path Entertainment, which also co-developed 2004's Counter-Strike: Source. Overall the Counter-Strike franchise has sold more than 25 million units in just over 12 years.

The most recent beta update reported that the game now supports 15v15 on all maps. It also features chickens on the Inferno map, improved UI, tweaks to burst and tap fire, and more. "The spawn locations have been prioritized to accommodate various numbers," reads the May 21 blog. "For server operators, if you allow for more players, you may want to play with the bot quota number to find a number that works best with your server."

A complete list of release notes is available here.

  • HopelessNoob
    $15? o_o that's a buy
  • Seriously $15, that's crazy! Been looking 4ward to this since it was announced. Wow valve has done it again, dota 2 free, cs on the cheap. Absolute legends! Cementing themselves as number 1 above blizzard now for sure. The 3 I hold in the highest regards have always been Blizz, Valve and Epic games. It's good to see Valve's parent company changing hands hasn't had the same negative impact it has had on Blizz. I guess it's got to do with the wankers that now pull blizzard's strings. Grats valve and ty for all the great things you have brought to pc gaming over all these years, cheers. Oh and here's to looking forward to unreal engine 4 and HOPEFULLY a new UT soon. Peace out guys, CS:GO biggest seller of the year 4 sure!
  • sigma3d
    stop those trashes... i want half life 3!
  • s3anister
    Glad to hear that a game I plan to buy isn't $60 for once...
  • 15$??? i dont know.... for 35 more i have BF 3 Premium.... i think ill stick with CSS + BF3 Premium
    $15 for the same game. Works for me.
  • fightingslu
    sigma3dstop those trashes... i want half life 3!
    The voice actor for Gordon Freeman died over the weekend so they had to cancel Half life 3...
  • woulda paid $115 for it. Come to papa!
  • mayankleoboy1
    quickly reading dated and priced , i read Pirated.
  • metro510
    "chickens on the Inferno map"
    my wallet is ready.