Crysis 2 Beta Program Announced

Just in time to ride the E3 2010 hype, Electronic Arts is relaunching the official website for Crysis 2 on Saturday at 12:00PM CET (6:00AM EST). While that really doesn't sound as exciting as Valve's super-secret E3 surprise, the site relaunch will have an added benefit: the Crysis 2 beta.

That got your attention, didn't it?

To participate, visitors will need to register with the new website when it goes up Saturday morning. Unfortunately, there's no information in regards to platforms, the beta's overall size and contents, or when the program/demo will actually launch. Still, there's the blurb announcing the beta before the original site officially went offline:

Looking to get your hands on Crysis 2 early? Now is your chance! Early registrations will be tracked, and our first wave of users will have a chance to win a key as and when the Crysis 2 beta takes place. All you need to do is sign up early and one day in the near future you may be receiving a mail with an invite to the game.

At the time of this writing, the new site will launch in the early morning. Until then, fans can follow Crysis 2 news by following the game on Facebook and Twitter. The full version is slated to hit store shelves this holiday season.

[Edited by Eric Wang]

  • HansVonOhain
    Better graphics with less demand. Got me signed up! I do however believe that this going to be a limited beta just like StarcraftII.
  • haunted one
    Omg YES YES YES!

    I'm cancelling my Sunday trip to Niagara Falls
    cool cool definitely going to try to get my hands on a key.
  • unrealpinky
    I'm sure this will probably be a console beta exclusive premiere since they have blamed piracy for the lackluster sales for the original. Hopefully I'm wrong.
  • cabose369
    I am gonna get on this right away!!! Gonna be sickkkk!!!! :)
  • sliem
    That site will go down exactly tomorrow 12:02p due to overwhelming visits.
  • mcshasta
    Augh.... why so early? Guess I will just have to register online zombie style and head back to bed.

    *Note to self: No tequila tonight.
  • borisof007
    More likely than not the registration will open up that day but the beta distribution won't happen for a few weeks/months
  • SuckRaven
    But can it play Crisis II ? =) Can't wait to hear this one for the next 5 years.

    (Yes I know they have probably tweaked the engine to not absolutely butcher every computer in sight).
  • ryanjm
    What are you guys smoking? It's not like the beta is being LAUNCHED tomorrow, it's just opening up for registration. And you're "invited," so it's not like you have an advantage for being online at 6:01am...