Aliens: Colonial Marines Goes Gold

Gearbox Software said on Wednesday that its long-awaited entry into the Aliens franchise, Aliens: Colonial Marines, has gone gold for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC. For those just tuning into the gaming arena, that means the game is complete, signed by everyone involved, and sent off for manufacturing. Woot.

"When we first announced the release date for Aliens: Colonial Marines back in May 2012, Gearbox Software CEO Randy Pitchford noted that the development had progressed to the point where we could see the end and be very confident in both our vision for the game as well as our launch date," the company said in a blog. "Today, we’re proud to announce that we hit every one of those targets."

Sega originally announced back in December 2006 that it purchased the electronic rights to the Alien franchise from 20th Century Fox. Then just days later, Gearbox revealed that it was working with Sega on a completely new game based on the franchise. The Aliens: Colonial Marines title was eventually revealed in the February 2008 issue of Game Informer.

After that issue went live, little else was said of the Alien-based shooter. It was believed to have been put on the back burner due to Sega's struggles with the M-rated audience on consoles, possible layoffs at Gearbox, and the studio's focus on piecing together Duke Nukem Forever for 2K Games.

But Sega reassured gamers that it still planned to push on with M-rated games with the launch of Aliens vs. Predator in early 2010. Later that year Gearbox confirmed that development on Colonial Marines continued to move forward by releasing new screens during the 2010 Penny Arcade Expo (PAX).

Since then, the upcoming shooter has seen its release date pushed back several times. But with the game now golden, eager fans will see no additional delays, as it's set to hit store shelves on February 12, 2013. Stay frosty, kids.

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  • acktionhank
    I just some Aliens vs Human multiplier. That's all i need.
  • A Bad Day
    I've always wondered...

    If the humans are "infected" by the facehuggers jumping up onto them...

    Why don't they wear full-protection helmets so the Aliens have to break the helmets completely open?
  • A Bad Day
    EDIT: And I'd rather take an increased risk of getting mauled to death than to suffer the the agony of something growing, and then exploding out of my chest.
  • ddpruitt
    For those just tuning into the gaming arena, that means the game is complete, signed by everyone involved, and sent off for manufacturing. Woot.

    "When we first announced the release date for Aliens: Colonial Marines back in May 2012

    *cough*bullshit*cough* The release date for this was originally in MARCH 2012 then it got pushed back to fall now February. Either they're just done dealing with it and pushing out an game that's not ready or it'll be pushed back again.

    Either way I won't believe it until I see an actual copy of the game (which I sadly have preordered).
  • eric4277
    ddpruitt*cough*bullshit*cough* The release date for this was originally in MARCH 2012 then it got pushed back to fall now February. Either they're just done dealing with it and pushing out an game that's not ready or it'll be pushed back again.Either way I won't believe it until I see an actual copy of the game (which I sadly have preordered).So, you are calling BS on them actually finishing the game because it got pushed back twice? So push backs mean the game will never come out or they will be unfinished when they do?

  • bluestar2k11
    ddpruittEither way I won't believe it until I see an actual copy of the game (which I sadly have preordered).

    Well, considering Gearbox got Duke Nukem Forever pushed out the door in a fairly well polished state, I'd say they've more then earned some credit, after all the entire gaming world thought it was impossible and would/could never be done.
  • A Bad Day
    To: manwabda

    Shut up.

    (The link posted by the spammer leads to a Russian site according to Web of Trust)
  • may1
    I just hope its not another Duke 4 ever...
  • Draconian
    Wow! A game about space marines. How original.
  • bjaminnyc
    Looks awesome. Support Eyefinity and I'll pre-order.