I'm Not a PC: John Hodgman Hearts Apple

John Hodgman is famous for playing the nerdy, awkward and very uncool PC character in Apple's "Mac vs. PC" ad campaign. Given that he's starring in Apple commercials, it shouldn't be surprising to hear Hodgman loves all things Apple but that doesn't mean it doesn't sting just a little.

AppleInsider reports that in a recent Diggnation interview, Hodgman revealed that he was given an iPod and a MacBook Pro on the first round of commercials he did for Apple. The self-professed Mac-fan used his own MacBook Air for the duration of the show.

Does this change the way you feel towards Apple's portrayal of PC?

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  • Parrdacc
    Should it?
  • ssalim
    He's doing it for money, I don't blame him. I would do the same.
  • captaincharisma
    hey if apple was paying me loads of cash for being a bad guy on one of there ads i probably would go with apple too
  • 08nwsula
    so apple users are actually fat old rambling men in suits
  • JeanLuc
    Jane McEntegartDoes this change the way you feel towards Apple's portrayal of PC?

    BTW the PC character isn't 'nerdy, awkward and very uncool' he's honest and true to himself and doesn't pretend to be something he's not unlike the obnoxious twat next to him.
  • sslazio77
    This is pointless news, apple obviously gave an ipod to the author of this article just to write this pointless news. And they want to publish this as news just to get all the stupid people who watch the commercials to realize that the PC character isn't actually a PC person in real life...
  • captaincharisma
    9161909 said:

    BTW the PC character isn't 'nerdy, awkward and very uncool' he's honest and true to himself and doesn't pretend to be something he's not unlike the obnoxious twat next to him.

    so true. him and those people who say they are going to mac in those commercials too come off as complete assholes too
  • flurrball
    So the guy in Apple's commercial is a Mac fan?

    I'm shocked...
    /end sarcasm

    Was this article even necessary?
  • Socnom
    And this is supposed to be surprising? Who knows, maybe he gets a bonus on his contract for saying hes Mac only and using only Macs for the duration of his contract.
  • trevorvdw
    So their ads should be "I'm a Mac and I'm a Mac"