SW:TOR Receiving Its First Update Next Week

On Thursday BioWare said that the first official update for the just-launched MMOG Star Wars: The Old Republic will be called Rise of the Rakghouls and will launch next Tuesday on January 17. The update will introduce new, higher level group content, game feature additions and continued balancing and bug fixes.

"A month ago when we launched the Early Game Access program for Star Wars: The Old Republic, we promised our fans that this would just be the beginning of our journey together," said Dr. Greg Zeschuk, General Manager of the BioWare Label’s MMO Business Unit and Co-Founder of BioWare. "Rise of the Rakghouls adds a lot of the things our community has been asking for – additional higher level group content, features like anti-aliasing, PvP bracketing and more."

BioWare said that the update will add a new Flashpoint and a new Operation. Here's a bit more on each:

Flashpoint: Kaon Under Siege is a completely new and unique group combat experience located on Kaon, a planet in the Tion Hegemony, a strategically important sector of the galaxy that has remained neutral. Groups of up to four Republic or Imperial players must race to Kaon to eliminate the Rakghouls outbreak, securing the allegiance of the Tion Hegemony for their respective sides. This Flashpoint will be available for level 50 characters only and will feature Normal and Heroic modes.

Operation: Karagga’s Palace is a continuation of the game’s second launch Operation. In the Operation, teams of 8 or 16 players will face off against Karagga and the Hutt Cartel after the Hutts abandon their famous neutrality and breach agreements with both the Republic and Empire. Concerned by the threat of another combatant in the war for galactic control, both factions send teams of their most powerful heroes to confront Karagga and determine his intentions. This Operation will feature Normal, Heroic and Nightmare difficulty modes.

In addition to those two added features, Rise of the Rakghouls will also contain a number of changes made throughout the entire game, including level 50 bracketing for PvP WarZones, the addition of anti-aliasing and changes to Open World PvP on Ilum.

Once the update goes live, BioWare said it will continue to release game updates to subscribers throughout the year on a regular cadence. The next update is planned for March 2012 and will include new Flashpoints, Operations, WarZones and new game systems.

  • imsurgical
    Keep up the work BioWare! Good stuff!
  • All that but are they going to fix their crap game engine so when you use an ability it does that ability instead of lagging out on the last animation it did. The most lol worthy example of this being mounting your speeder, hitting the forward movement key right after the cast bar ends, only to end up dismounted because the game needs a second of doing nothing before you can actually move.
  • dorkydude666
    Can't wait to play SW:TOR with AA! I have to say I'm very impressed with the amount of content Bioware has created. It doesn't nearly compare to the amount of content from WoW's near decade reign as king but this end game content was mandatory to keep hardcore players busy until the next update.

    Thanks Bioware! And keep up the hard work!
  • dark_knight33
    Yeah, it's just too bad we had to wait 1 month plus to get them to address class breaking bugs. I love the game and all, but haven't been able to play my sentinel in 3 weeks because of a bug that has been in since beta, and won't be fully fixed until 1.1 releases.

    1.1 Should have been what the game launched at.
  • larkspur
    dorkydude666Can't wait to play SW:TOR with AA! I have to say I'm very impressed with the amount of content Bioware has created. It doesn't nearly compare to the amount of content from WoW's near decade reign as king but this end game content was mandatory to keep hardcore players busy until the next update.Thanks Bioware! And keep up the hard work!
    You can force on AA through your driver (with amd anyway, not sure about nvidia). The game really needs it.
  • king_maliken
    It's about time they patch it
  • esrever
    would be nice if there was a demo or an f2p thing to try it out.
  • GoldenI
    To the people complaining about Bioware fixing issues a month after launch: Remember WoW? Lol.... remember the WoW launch? That was a disaster.
  • zachusaman
    esreverwould be nice if there was a demo or an f2p thing to try it out.dont worry, give it 3 months and it'll be f2p
  • leongrado
    zachusamandont worry, give it 3 months and it'll be f2p
    I don't think so.... It's already more successful than Rift and it doesn't seem like Rift is going F2P any time soon. :( my comments are being removed...