WoW Mists of Pandaria Expansion Arriving in September

Blizzard announced on Wednesday that the fourth expansion pack for World of Warcraft, Mists of Pandaria, will go on sale starting September 25, 2012. It will be offered in DVD format for Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7 and Macintosh, and in digital form directly from Blizzard's World of Warcraft website, both priced at $39.99 USD.

"Mists of Pandaria offers a wide variety of content for new and returning World of Warcraft players," Blizzard said. "Features include a new playable race (the pandaren) with its own starting zone and quests, a new character class (the monk), and an expansive new continent for players to explore as they adventure to the new level cap of 90. The expansion also includes a host of new gameplay elements designed to give players even more ways to enjoy the game, including scenarios -- a flexible new kind of cooperative PvE trial; challenge modes, which offer high-prestige rewards for mastering Mists of Pandaria's 5-player dungeons; and an all-new pet battle system."

A special Collector's Edition packed with bonus items will be available exclusively in retail stores for a suggested retail price of $79.99 USD. It will include the following:

* Behind-the-Scenes DVD and Blu-Ray: Learn about the creation of Pandaria with this two-disc set featuring over an hour of commentary, insider interviews, and developer roundtables.
* Collector's Edition Soundtrack CD: Experience 20 orchestral pieces from Mists of Pandaria.
* The Art of Mists of Pandaria Book: Explore this 208-page hardcover tome featuring never-before-seen pieces from the expansion, from early concepts to final 3D renderings.
* Chen Stormstout Mouse Pad: Equip your desk with this special-edition mouse pad featuring the legendary pandaren brewmaster.
* In-game content from the Digital Deluxe version.

The Digital Deluxe version of Mists of Pandaria will cost $59.99 USD and include a full digital copy of the expansion along with the following exclusive in-game bonus items:

* World of Warcraft In-Game Mount: Take to the skies of Azeroth astride the mystical Imperial Quilen flying mount.
* World of Warcraft In-Game Pet: Journey across Pandaria with the Lucky Quilen Cub at your side.
* StarCraft 2 Portraits: Bring the Horde and Alliance rivalry to the far reaches of the Koprulu sector with exclusive Infested Orc and Night Elf Templar portraits.
* Diablo 3 Banner Sigil and Accent: Display your status as a hero of Pandaria with the iconic markings of World of Warcraft's newest playable race, the pandaren.

Players who purchase the standard edition digitally or at retail will have the option to upgrade to the Digital Deluxe version at any time (for as long as the standalone Digital Deluxe version remains available) for an additional $20 USD.

Blizzard also announced that pre-sales for the standard digital and Digital Deluxe versions of Mists of Pandaria are now live. The expansion content will automatically be digitally delivered to pre-purchasers via World of Warcraft's streaming launcher prior to the expansion's release. Players who would like to pre-order the standard box or the retail-exclusive Collector's Edition can do so by visiting their local retailer now.

Mists of Pandaria has received a Teen rating from the ESRB.

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  • nebun
    milk that shiiiiit....milk it good...people still play this game?
  • nebun
    people still play this crap....milk it good
  • stopthe_bomb
    Stop hating on the game... its a great way to play in big groups of people and have lots of fun... Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone else shouldn't play it. If you don't think its worth the money, fine, don't load the page and don't post about it.
  • d_kuhn
    Ever since I first saw the idea last year all I've thought is "Panda's.... for real?". I suppose a game that lets you play imaginary species like orc's and elves isn't going too far out on a limb with panda's... but it's CLEARLY not a move intended to keep western players but rather court eastern markets.
  • killerchickens
    Wow another Kung Fu Panda video game just what I wanted!
  • killerchickens
    stopthe_bombStop hating on the game... its a great way to play in big groups of people and have lots of fun... Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone else shouldn't play it. If you don't think its worth the money, fine, don't load the page and don't post about it.
    Wow is a very cheap hobby for how many hours of entertainment most people get out of it. I don't like it but thats besides the point.
  • Tomes
    Benn playing 'this crap' now for more than 5yrs and have played on MoP beta. I have to admit. though I will buy the new expac. I'm more excited by GW2 right now >.
  • southernshark
    If only I could play a Koala Bear. That would make me go back to the game. But a panda is all fail.

    If you are going to let people play Panda's at least include female pandas with huge ****.

  • clivene09
    Played the beta. This expansion will hasten the erosion of subs. I hated the talents changes in Cata, and they dumbed them down to the point where they are basically gone. They won't be happy till the only choice you have is Elmo or Big Bird.
  • bebangs
    boycott... nerd rage...