Nvidia Pulls Linux, BSD, Solaris Drivers Due to Bug

DVH reports that Nvidia has removed additional drivers related to an overheat bug that plagued the GeForce 196.75 WHQL drivers last week. The new quarantined drivers are for Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris, however this time the problem affects two sets rather than just one.

According to the site, users with 195.36.03 and 195.36.08 *nix drivers installed on their system should downgrade to driver versions 190.53 or 195.30 public beta. As of Friday, Nvidia was still looking into the overheating issue, however the only resolution the company could provide was to downgrade the drivers.

"We want to make sure anybody who has not downloaded the driver does not do so from any other sites who still have the driver up, and for those that have downloaded it, we want to make sure they roll back to the previous driver located here," Nvidia's Bryan Del Rizzo said in a statement.

Obviously Nvidia users can't roll back drivers if older ones were previously uninstalled. Head here to download archived and beta drivers stored on Nvidia's website.

  • victomofreality
    or just go to a linux form and they probably already have it fixed, or will before Nvidia does.
  • rhino13
    Is this update in preparation for Fermi?

    An equivilent number of mistakes seem to have been made on the road to both.
  • sliem
    Their road just got bumpy... or bumpier.
  • nforce4max
    sliemTheir road just got bumpy... or bumpier.

    Might as well take some lead weights and throw them in a dryer or drive a model T Ford on a very bad road.
  • romansky
    ahh with todays cheap work force driven economy, I wouldnt expect less,,,
  • nfail
    This is embarrassing now. Please die nVidia and let SiS take on ATI instead, we need some real competition.
  • davendork
    This isn't helping the ATI card I want to hit my price point.
  • davendork
    The performance increases listed on the nVidia website with the offending driver seemed too good to be true. 30% more in Left 4 Dead? Almost a third? Come on.
  • Abrahm
    Well, at least they release drivers for *nix. I had to wait a few weeks after I got my ATI 5850 before ATI released a Linux driver for it.
  • Honis
    Not looking good for Fermi. They better hope manufacturers haven't printed thousands of CD/DVDs with the bad drivers ready to ship with the cards this month.