A Quad Core MBP at MacWorld?

Acer definitely wins the prize for being first out the gate with a machine running Intel’s latest mobile chip, the cheap quad core Q9000. However, now that it’s all official and out in the open, people are starting to wonder who’ll be next to launch a notebook with the Q9000.

The rumor doing the rounds at the moment is that Apple could be about ready to launch a 17-inch MacBook Pro running on the Q9000. Apple refreshed the MacBook line a couple of months back and the fact that there was a white space where there should have been a brand spanking new 17-inch MacBook Pro was a little overshadowed by the fancy new aluminum unibody design of the MacBook and the glass trackpad.

However as the weeks go by we’re wondering where the updated "big" MacBook Pro has gone to. The folks over at apcmag seem to think we can expect the MBP update at next week's MacWorld Expo, despite the conference’s Jobsless status. While we’re not so sure about the timing, we're on board with the Q9000 MBP idea. The launch of the Q9000 was played down but a mobile quad core with a core clock speed of 2GHz for $348 is big news. So far Acer is the only company with a Q9000 machine on sale but it’s only a matter of time before the rest start coming out of the woodwork.

Steve Jobs won’t be at MacWorld next week and we doubt he’d miss a launch like this. The only reason we can think of would be he’s ill and not telling anyone but that’s a whole other kettle of is-he-isn’t-he fish. Fresh rumors this morning, by the way, dropped Apple stocks 2 percent.

  • gjelly
    What would be the point of putting this chip into the new 17" MacBook Pro? At 2.0 Ghz it wouldn't give any performance benefit in clock speed dependent applications like Photoshop that many Mac users use.
  • apache_lives
    bahahaha http://processorfinder.intel.com/details.aspx?sSpec=SLGEJ - 45w CPU - my ass AMD has the most power efficent quad core on the market, intel isnt even trying and pitches these low power babies.
  • Luscious
    "So far Acer is the only company with a Q9000 machine on sale"


    Toshiba Qosmio X305-Q725. Look for it on newegg.
  • Claimintru
    apache the fanboyism is pathetic.
  • Claimintru
    Lol sorry I was drunk..I take it back
  • apache_lives
    Haha the line break does make me look like a fanboy :o

    What i was saying was AMD claims to have the most power efficent quad - the X4 9100 rated at 65w for a poor excuse of a quad etc - this Intel fits in a laptop and owns AMD's ass, and shows how much work AMD needs to put in to compete.
  • apache_lives
    gjellyWhat would be the point of putting this chip into the new 17" MacBook Pro? At 2.0 Ghz it wouldn't give any performance benefit in clock speed dependent applications like Photoshop that many Mac users use.
    Sorry to sound like a fanboy here but this processor is prolly as quick as a mid range AMD Phenom X4 if not quicker, if those AMD users are happy with that performance, this chip should give plenty of power.
  • gjelly
    Well yeah, Intel is the obvious choice for pretty much any computer. But I'm just wondering about why put a quad-core chip in a laptop right now with such low clock speeds. The dual-core chips that Apple and every other computer manufacturer out there offer are better for pretty much every application with their high clock speeds. I was just wondering why people get so hyped about putting quad-core chips in notebooks when the only good ones that would offer performance increases over dual-cores are only available for desktops.
  • apache_lives
    Perhaps pitched at more future application? Same as the original dual cores for notebooks, seemed silly at the time, and same as desktops - quads useless? Dont think so! - average usage on my system is 70% total - GTA IV thrashes 4 cores (not that it would run on that laptop), I WANT MORE POWER THEN WHAT MY QUAD @ 3.5GHZ CAN OFFER - WELCOME TO TEH FUTUR!

    Perhaps on the other hand a 4 threaded laptop chip would have been a wiser plan - 2 cores + 2 threads to initially boost the market...
  • pocketdrummer
    Ok, so if could squeeze out a higher clock speed and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MORE USB PORTS, I might consider one. I run a home studio and use a laptop to run the electronics on my hybrid drum set at live shows. More cores = more fun for me, but only if those cores aren't slow.

    And I hate USB hubs with a passion... 3 usb ports is pathetic on a 17" laptop.