RAGE "Anarchy Edition" Upgrade Free, Video

Monday Bethesda announced that gamers who pre-order id Software's upcoming first-person shooter RAGE will automatically be upgraded to the "Anarchy" Edition for free. This upgrade applies to those who pre-order the game through Gamestop, Amazon, Steam and Direct2Drive in North America.

According to Bethesda, the Anarchy Edition will include four exclusive in-game items: the Double Barrel Shotgun, the Crimson Elite Armor, the Fists of RAGE, and the Rat Rod Buggy. It's assumed that this upgrade will be applied to all three platforms-- Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC-- when the game launches on September 13.

Monday Bethesda also launched a new gameplay trailer called "Dead City," seen below. As the title indicates, players head into the city to retrieve equipment for a defibrillator upgrade. The clip mostly shows a lot of gun action and a few beheadings with the bladed boomerangs called wingsticks. If there were any prior questions that RAGE wouldn't be a hot id classic (despite the post-apocalyptic theme), this new clip should put you in your place.

For those unfamiliar with RAGE, here's the official game description yanked from GameStop's listing: "RAGE is a groundbreaking first-person shooter set in the not-too-distant future after the asteroid Apophis impacts Earth. In an effort to save civilization, "Arks" are constructed and buried deep underground. These cryogenic lifeboats carry humanity's future, preserved with the tools they need to rebuild. But when survivors begin to emerge, they find the unexpected. Many humans who were above ground during the impact unexpectedly survived, while horrific mutants roam the dead cities. And a mysterious tyrannical government, bent on creating a new world order, has begun the search . . . for you."

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  • Gameplay looks boring and the graphics stale after seeing the BF3 gameplay footage. This stinks of Doom 3 to me.
  • lradunovic77
    Great game
  • rohitbaran
    Wow! It is a good old style FPS. Yummy!
  • fyend
  • Trialsking
    Looks ok, not too bad for a console port. Good thing it doesn't have to follow a game like Crysis 1 to compare it too.
  • kcorp2003
    beautiful game.
    Erm.... this looks like it plays like Doom3.

    I'll probably fall asleep 1/2 way through and than just get irritated in the last 1/3 of the game when I am fighting the same closet monster shit over and over again.
  • Maybe we can enable strafe jump. 2x the fun.
  • zerapio
    Looks nice. I'm thinking of preordering it
  • burnley14
    Game looks like a blast. My only question is . . . why didn't he use the rocket launcher on the big dude right from the get go? :)