Runescape Robber Faces Years of Jail Time

How much is a Runescape account worth?

Up to fifteen years of jail time, apparently, for 19-year-old Humza Bajwa of Massachusetts. Bajwa is being charged of second-degree robbery and grand larceny after pulling a BB gun at a Runescape coin for real money exchange.

Bajwa cut a deal with another Runescape player Jonathan Dokler to exchange 4.7 billion Runescape coins for $3,300. Dokler asked his friend David Emani to conduct the deal in person. Emani wanted to back out due to suspicions that Bajwa was carrying fake currency. "He was transferring money from one envelope to another envelope, and I got a glimpse of it and it looked fake," said Emani. "I was on the phone with John, and I said, 'Don't do it. It looks fake.'"

Despite Emani's reluctance, Dokler decided to go through with the deal. When Emani met with Bajwa again the next day, his suspicions were confirmed: Bajwa was carrying counterfeits hidden under a real $100 bill. When Emani protested, Bajwa pulled a BB gun and pointed it at Emani's head. Emani, not knowing that the gun wasn't real, completed the transaction.

Fortunately, Bajwa was caught on CCTV and was arrested. If Bajwa is charged of grand larceny and second-degree robbery, he faces up to 15 years of jail time… just over virtual currency.

Runescape developer Jagex prohibits the exchange of the game's virtual currency for real money. Unfortunately, there's just no feasible way for the developer to enforce the policy, though this story is sure to make a few Runescape players at least think twice before selling off in-game coins.

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  • bawchicawawa
    I don't care if it's about Runescape and this is 'fake' money. Money AT ALL takes time to accumulate and this bastard needs some jail time for STEALING, but for 17 years? I dunno.
  • wildkitten
    It's about virtual currency? I have a feeling the counterfieting, the assault with a weapon and other criminal charges were slightly more important that what he was trying to steal.
  • leafman420
    roflmao What a DUMB ASS! I really don't know what to say about it. Not tech news, but I still love it. lol Well i guess no more mining for him.
  • amuffin
    Now, that's just STUPID. :non:
  • whimseh
    LOL A BB GUN? He was scared of a BB gun? My god.
  • theabsinthehare
    It's less about the fact that he stole virtual currency and more that he threatened violence with a (what he implied was a) lethal weapon while stealing something of large implied value. In most states, the punishment for pretending you have a gun while committing a crime is the same as if you actually did have a gun. If he had robbed someone of $3000 with a real gun, I don't think anyone would be questioning the sentence.
  • lpedraja2002
    whimsehLOL A BB GUN? He was scared of a BB gun? My god.
    You probably wouldn't know it was a BB gun in that moment either, so would you risk it?

    Either way he should get 1 year jail and 4 years community service and have his runescape account deleted.
  • jalek
    $3300 for game currency? Who even makes a deal like that, and can I sell you something?
  • edogawa
    Why are people questioning this sentence? -.- If someone pretended to have a gun and robbed you I don't think you would question the sentence; besides he would have used a real gun if he had the chance.

    I wouldn't say Runescape currency isn't worth real life money too, if there is supply and demand for something I would consider it valuable.
  • cookoy
    Dont think he will get the maximum 15 years of jail time.