SSD Prices Continue to Trend Downward

The guys at The TechReport worked with Camelegg, which tracks prices at Newegg and other sites, to compile data of SSD prices over the past 16 months. They reviewed many of the popular SSDs to see how the market trend was on with regards to $/GB, which has been a popular discussion point with SSD users. As SSD users, we are looking for the $/GB prices to drop and reach that so called "magical" less than a $1/GB that many feel makes it worth while to purchase. 

Taking a look at the data compiled for the popular Crucial m4, across all models, we see the drive has seen a downward trend of roughly 57-64% from its peak in 2011. This a cut of roughly 1/2 the cost of its original price. This is a dramatic drop in price over this period of time for any product in the market. 

(Image credit: The TechReport)

Taking look at the data compiled for one of our favorites, Samsung 830, across all models, we see the drive has seen a downward trend of roughly 30% from its release in late 2011. This drive continues to drop in price, along with all the other SSDs in the market.   

(Image credit: The TechReport)

Here is the chart of each of the SSDs reviewed by the TechReport guys based on Cost per Gigabyte over the past seven days.

(Image credit: The TechReport)

Lets hope this trend continues to the point where even larger capacity drives become reasonably affordable.

  • wasabiman321
    Haha I beat out all of these, I got a 180 gb Intel 330 SSD for 77 cents per gb, :D Beast deal EVER
  • bigdragon
    I really like the downward movement in SSD prices. The high cost of HDDs made me opt for RAID0 Agility 3 SSDs in my most recent build. Pairing that with a Sandy Bridge E CPU has made it the fastest computer I've ever owned. 6 months of solid operation, although the Intel drivers are buggy. I want to see SSD prices continue to slide and capacity continue to increase. It's time we sent traditional HDDs the way of magnetic tapes and punch cards. Their time is up!
  • eddieroolz
    SSD prices have shifted in front of my eyes, literally. I bought a 128GB Crucial m4 almost two months ago and last month, I see it advertised for $20 lower.
  • amuffin
    OCZ Petrol 128GB
    $75 After Rebate
  • redgarl
    OCZ Vertex 4 128GB for 120$
    OCZ Vertex 3 120GB for 80$ with MIR
  • voodoobunny
    amuffinOCZ Petrol 128GB$75 After Rebate id=0381969Yeah, but check the reviews on it :(
  • Sandisk Extreme 480GB for $379 at MicroCenter on 23 June. No rebates. Now sold out.
  • willard
    The Mushkin Enhanced Chronos 120GB is currently $92.99 on Newegg. 77 cents per GB. Good drive, too.
  • superp
    does this they gonna roll out much larger drives soon?
  • cmcghee358
    I snagged a Samsung 830 128GB MLC SATA III drive for 89.99!