Tim Cook Visits China For Second Time in Under a Year

Apple CEO Tim Cook has visited China for the second time in less than a year. The executive this time met with government officials. Miao Wei, head of China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, met with Cook to discuss the country's technology industry, mobile communications, as well as Apple's operations within the region.

Cook last visited China to carry out a public tour across the country. He met with various Chinese government officials, as well as visiting an iPhone factory operated by Apple's main manufacturing partner, Foxconn.

China is a significant market for Apple and Cook stressed during an earnings call in October of 2012 that the region is an "extremely exciting market" for the company.

Apple's quarterly revenue for China equaled $5.7 billion during the quarter. Comparatively, the firm generated $7.5 billion across the entire Asia-Pacific region during the same period.

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  • besus
    Wondering how often Tim Cook has been to China has been eating away at me for months now.

    Thank you, Zak.
  • tburns1
    Steve Jobs is visiting hell. Why not report on that too?

    ...oooooooo, that was bad ...sorry ...I'm in a sassy mood ...
  • stevo777
    No doubt to find even younger children to work in the sweatshops.
  • nuvon
    China and India, imagine the market!
  • cinergy
    Cook looks like a crook in that picture.
  • stevo777
    cinergyCook looks like a crook in that picture.Dr Evil has nothing on him lol.