UK's Virgin Media blocks File-sharing Site Newzbin2

Last October, British Telecom was ordered to block access to file-sharing site Newzbin2 by Mr Justice Arnold of the British High Court. The ruling was seen as a landmark win for the Motion Picture Association, as well as the music and film industry in general, and the MPA hoped to have similar success in getting Virgin Media, Sky and TalkTalk to block Newzbin2. About a fortnight after the ruling, the association issued a request to the ISPs to block Newzbin2. Eventually, the MPA got a court order and Sky was forced to block access to the site. At the time Virgin and TalkTalk said they hadn't received an order but would comply with one if it were issued. Now it looks as though that day has come, for Virgin Media at least.

"We've received an order from the courts requiring us to prevent access to Newzbin in order to help protect against copyright infringement," the company announced this week.

"As a responsible ISP, Virgin Media complies with court orders addressed to us, but we strongly believe that changing consumer behaviour to tackle copyright infringement also needs compelling legal alternatives to give consumers access to great content at the right price."

Virgin Media said something similar when it was forced to block access to The Pirate Bay earlier this year. Virgin was actually the first ISP to comply with the court order to block access to TPB, but the company made it clear that it didn't think court ordered blocks were the answer when it came to fighting piracy. The company highlighted its own agreement with Spotify, which the company says gives customers access to "great content at the right price."

While the price needs to be right, many believe that the industry is at fault for failing to evolve or innovate when it comes to digital distribution. Valve's Gabe Newell said last year that piracy was more a service problem than anything else.

"We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem," Newell told the University of Cambridge's newspaper. "If a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate's service is more valuable."

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  • This will clearly have a huge effect on piracy. O wait. I meant the other thing. No effect.
  • masterbinky
    revelationsrThis will clearly have a huge effect on piracy. O wait. I meant the other thing. No effect.If by no effect you mean increase piracy when someone who doesn't know newzbin2 googles it. It's like taking the red pill.
  • icemelted
    This should boost sales in the proxy and VPN business.
  • rantoc
    How much does it cost to register a new domain and how much have mpaa shelled out hunting the site, big victory for the lawyers and no one else.

    The end result - Increased prices on movie's to cower the lawyer cost and that in turn will lead to increased piracy because few think its worth an arm and leg for 1.5 hr of hopefully good entertainment.

    When will the movie publishers understand that mpaa's fight is flawless and only lead to double loss, piracy and lawyers.
  • KelvinTy
    When developers throw more DRM trash into games and break them even more, I think someone with a mind will choose wisely.
    GFWL, UPlay... etc... Breaks the game a lot and the Multiplayer features freaking sucks...
  • livebriand
    Yawn... and piracy continues unaffected. Yet AGAIN...
  • alidan
    KelvinTyWhen developers throw more DRM trash into games and break them even more, I think someone with a mind will choose wisely.GFWL, UPlay... etc... Breaks the game a lot and the Multiplayer features freaking sucks...gfwl killed blacklight tango down, one of my favroite fps games in years.
  • eddieroolz
    British censorship strikes again.