White MacBook Gets Upgraded With Nvidia Chipset

Just when the week is starting to feel like it might never end, Apple throws us a curve ball to spice things up a tad.

It seems the company has updated the older version of the MacBook; the specs for the white MacBook are now a little more like what customers are getting with the newer, unibody version. Looks like the white MacBook is here to stay.

Engadget reports that Apple updated site sometime in the last three days and the new page details a MacBook packing integrated Nvidia GeForce 9400M graphics, a 2.0GHz Core 2 Duo processor and comes with 2GB of DDR2 (not DDR3) as standard -- still all for $999. And get this, it has FireWire.

It’ll be interesting to see people’s response to this update. For those who aren’t interested in aesthetics or cosmetic changes like the glass trackpad, this might be enough change their mind about getting one of the newer MacBooks. Why drop $300 more on one of the news ones when you can get almost the same specs in the white version?

That said, there’s been numerous complaints about staining and cracking with the white MacBook casing so maybe the aluminum is the way to go, even if it is more expensive. Either way, who’s going to be the first member of the “shoot-I-just-ordered-my-unibody-yesterday” crowd? Have to say, nearly fell into that trap myself.

Check out the full story on Engadget.

  • bone squat
    If the macbook supported XP it might be a good buy. Although I believe the new ASUS F50 and F70 notebooks support better specs for lower prices. Macs = overpriced, low end pieces of crap. Enjoy your useless macs with idiot interface.
  • curnel_D
    Awww, dont go mac. With that hardware spec, you should only be paying about $600.
  • JMcEntegart
    Will I be lynched if I say I went Mac about two years ago?
  • zuesacuatl
    Wow, ignorance is bliss I suppose, isn't that right Bone Squat?

    I run two schools as a computer resource teacher/tech. ALL of our laptops are Macbooks(some older g4Ibooks) for a few reasons, first of all, yes the OS is absolutely easy to use. It helps keep us focused on the topic, and not getting the laptop to work. Second, Apple offers a great deal to most school districts, this allows for even some of the more poor districts to keep up to date technology in the classroom. Third, here is a big part of your ignorance, Macbooks do support XP. I use a program that comes with Leopard called Boot camp. It allows for both OS-X and XP/Vista/Win7 to run in a native environment. The drivers offered by apple for xp and vista are flawless in my experience so far. I have run a dual boot system since the release of Leopard, and have no complaints yet.

    Please, before you open your mouth, ensure that your foot is not waiting to take the place of your tongue. If you are unsure of a product cause you have never tried it, then do not knock it. I used to be one of you, until I took up this role in the school systems. I still prefer my Frankenstein home grown PC over the Macs, but the Apple brand has a lot to offer, even to those of us who like our PCs.
  • zuesacuatl
    Side note, the cost you pay for a Mac is to have an easy to use system that does not require you to search for compatible drivers. A great support system for when you have problems, and a closed OS environment that allows for a more stable platform. Though some of these factors limits you on the ability to upgrade, for some, the ease of turning on a system and being assured that it will work every time is worth every extra dollar. And I am sorry, yes some of us can run our systems with no issues on PCs, but be honest, with the open platform of PCs, you are just asking for driver issues and what nots, a very limited amount of PCs can be considered Mac stable. Not because of the hardware (they are now both x86 platforms) but because of the OS.
  • curnel_D
    JMcEntegartWill I be lynched if I say I went Mac about two years ago?Naw, as long as you learn from your mistakes. :P Mac's are awesome computers, but the cost will always be unjustified when all you're really playing for is a bit of glamor, a unix overlay, and a hardware configuration that EVERYONE else has.

    I dont think I've ever had driver issues with my current laptop, even while running hackintosh. But it has hardware that outperforms apple's most expensive 15" macbook pro, and only cost me 900 dollars. (Granted I used an exclusive distro that only sells to trusted buisness customers, and it was a barebones system config)
  • trevorvdw
    Macs aren't "Mac Stable" :)

    I have had 3 friends have relatively new Macbooks either die (dead mobo, replaced under warranty) outright in 2008 or have OS corruption after installing system updates that required a full system wipe and reimage. In that time I've had 2 friends have PC laptop issues. I only know 3 mac users but dozens of pc users.
  • kelfen
    zuesacuatlWow, ignorance is bliss I suppose, isn't that right Bone Squat?I run two schools as a computer resource teacher/tech. ALL of our laptops are Macbooks(some older g4Ibooks) for a few reasons, first of all, yes the OS is absolutely easy to use. It helps keep us focused on the topic, and not getting the laptop to work. Second, Apple offers a great deal to most school districts, this allows for even some of the more poor districts to keep up to date technology in the classroom. Third, here is a big part of your ignorance, Macbooks do support XP. I use a program that comes with Leopard called Boot camp. It allows for both OS-X and XP/Vista/Win7 to run in a native environment. The drivers offered by apple for xp and vista are flawless in my experience so far. I have run a dual boot system since the release of Leopard, and have no complaints yet. Please, before you open your mouth, ensure that your foot is not waiting to take the place of your tongue. If you are unsure of a product cause you have never tried it, then do not knock it. I used to be one of you, until I took up this role in the school systems. I still prefer my Frankenstein home grown PC over the Macs, but the Apple brand has a lot to offer, even to those of us who like our PCs.flame! the cost of apple computers are High and they are Proprietary why bother with a dual boot when you can just go xp unless you have specif task that I am sure apple os is better than xp other wise it is just more money gone to waste. apple is only good for specif tasks that it excels in such as color acuracy and (?video editing?).
  • curnel_D
    Btw, Jane, I appricate the fact that you keep up with your articles in the comment sections. Not just this one, but all of them. It's nice.
  • ckthecerealkiller
    JMcEntegartWill I be lynched if I say I went Mac about two years ago?I dunno, that is about when Mac's started to go downhill so it's close.

    My arguement is where is the fun in buying something for $1000+ that you can't really upgrade/modify. Mac's aren't technically bettter or worse than any PC. You just pay (out the nose) for the person who put it together for you.