XCOM Shooter Might Not Be XCOM Anymore

Once upon a time, 2K had two XCOM games in the pipeline. One was XCOM: Enemy Unknown, a strategy game developed by Firaxis in the style of the original games. The other was a XCOM first person shooter in development at 2K Marin. After the initial announcement of the shooter, 2K was loathe to reveal much else. It didn’t look good.

In October last year, 2K revealed that the XCOM first person shooter may be changing into a third person shooter, according to a 2K marketing survey. According to the survey, 2K was also considering turning the title into a cheaper, downloadable title for the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

Now, according to a Superannuation post, it appears that Take-Two (2K’s parent company) has registered a bevy of domains: “Last week, Take-Two registered the domains thebureau-game.com, thebureau-game.net, whathappenedin62.com, and whathappenedin62.net,” read the post. “These domains seem to hint at a rebranding of 2K's beleaguered XCOM shooter, which places players in the shoes of an FBI agent in 1962. Given the success of Firaxis' XCOM: Enemy Unknown, I wouldn't be surprised if 2K thought having two very different games in different genres could dilute the franchise's brand.”

And let’s not forget that not too long ago, there’d been another first person reboot of a strategy series called Syndicate. It ended up doing not too hot, critically or in sales. 2K’s probably weighed most of the pros and cons of developing such a title and come to the conclusion that, considering the difficulties the game’s having in development, it might be a better move to scrap the whole thing and redub it as a fresh IP.

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  • Murissokah
    Who the hell came up with that idea in the first place? An XCOM shooter, really?
  • ern88
    How many FPS games do we need!!!!
  • xpeh
    What did happen in 62?
  • A Bad Day
    MurissokahWho the hell came up with that idea in the first place? An XCOM shooter, really?
    Because surely someone can create a game that is just as successful as Call of Duty...

    After all, the gaming industry only burned through at least several FPS titles, such as Medal of Honor, and many other countless unmemorable games.
  • Stimpack
    xpehWhat did happen in 62?
    The premise for a more-than-likely shitty game to be released or cancelled sometime in the relatively near future..... I guess.
  • growup
    Love how they're trying to cover it up after the fan-based rage. I agree with the fans and I'm disappointed in businesses letting them get away with this. If this crap continues, people will exploit the crowd. Good example of this was Aliens: Colonial Marines. In E3, the demo was awesome, looked great but when the final product was given, ti was pure sht. I didnt have to buy it, I just saw friends play and said f---- that. Take responsibilities for the decisions you make, especially with a product or franchise that was a success.

    Duke Nukem Forever, Aliens: Colonial Marines and that horrendous Super Mario Bros. movie were examples of how people were hyped up to get sh$#* handed to them.
  • rantoc
    Just like the new XCom "Strategy" isn't much Strategy? The new one is strategy wise so dumbed down the XCom Ufo Defense coders in 1994 did a better job, heck the 1994 version also featured random maps and that ended up in pretty much unlimited re-playability!
  • growup
    I miss the strategy games...Dont even mention SC2....if you call less than 2 minute zerg rushes or void rushes, you can have it. Where's the Red Alert's, Warcraft 2s, Dunes, Dark Colony, Earth 2140, KKNDs, Dominion (game was weird but the soundtrack was sick), the Sudden Strikes, the Dark Reign (First game, 2nd was sht), even Ground Control was sweet for its time, even though it wasn't as successful as it should have been.
  • w0_od
    on 1 hand i am glad that someone in 2k has realized that they have a dogs breakfast and they are trying hard to regugitate it back into something remotely palatable without harming their XCOM brand. On the other, i seriously wonder which retard decided they can reimagine the wheel and make just another 1st person shooter like the dozens and dozens out there. I mean SYndicate FPS was a good example. On its own it was only an average game at best , stacked against the classic , it looks like a dogs breakfast.
  • Stimpack
    rantocJust like the new XCom "Strategy" isn't much Strategy? The new one is strategy wise so dumbed down the XCom Ufo Defense coders in 1994 did a better job, heck the 1994 version also featured random maps and that ended up in pretty much unlimited re-playability!
    I totally agree. X-Com: Enemy Unknown was a good game that introduced a lot of nice modern features, but it was still far behind UFO Defense in a lot of very key ways. I could have played UFO Defense a thousand times, and I did! I can't say the same about the new one. Although I did thoroughly enjoy it, after the first run I had seen pretty much all that needed to be seen. Hopefully the next one will introduce some randomization and procedural generation, which is what the game really needed. At least it was better than this FPS BS.