Nvidia Support of AGEIA PhysX Processors is Dead

Nvidia has officially discontinued support for dedicated Ageia physics processing units (PPUs), and is now shifting attentions to just backing the technology on GeForce products.

An Nvidia technician responded with the following message to a user who emailed customer support with an inquiry on how to get his Ageia working on his computer:

The cases was escalated to me. The current PhysX driver unfortunately does not support Aegia PPU hardware which you're already aware. Support for Aegia PPU ended after the 8.xx.xx driver but like you we've receive other users asking to include support in current PhysX releases. There are discussions to release a stand-along PhysX driver that will support Aegia PPU but that is still in discussion and I'm unable to get any confirmation or schedule. I can certainly update you if this changes or you can check back with us in a couple of months. Unfortunately we don't know anymore at this point.

A look at the recent version of the Nvidia PhysX system software confirms that only GeForce parts are supported for accelerated physics.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • j51
    R.I.P Ageia physics processing units (PPUs)....

  • Bad move! Poor form Nvidia! Won't buy from your shoddy outfit again...
  • mlopinto2k1
    Yea, who didn't see THAT coming. That thing was a hunk of crap. Did you ever see the demo's showing off what it was capable of? Crap. Good riddance.
  • Ciuy
    ...in a couple of months. pff
  • bk420
    It's about time... Nvidia is going into meltdown mode thanks to Fermi lava.
  • zorky9
    nvidia wasn't interested in those chips when it acquired ageia a couple of years ago in the first place. it was PhsyX it was after. now that GeForce GPUs PhysX capabilities, it was only a matter of time...

    if you still have PhysX processors, maybe it's time to upgrade.

  • FrozenGpu
    It wasn't the best addition, but it did add some extra effects, I assume Nvidia has gotten what they wanted from the acquistion, right? Probably not worth their time to continue to support Aegia's ppu's, anymore?
    Well they should start making it so its more capable of running on the CPU instead.... otherwise whats the use? if we have a Intel GPU or ATI gpu we won't be able to use your techneogy
  • wcooper007
    Nvidia has a track record and this is the same crap they did when they bought 3dfx way back in the day i had a voodoo 5500 and they didnt put out drivers for it for windows xp i was soo pissed off that i really have never bought anything they make all i buy is ATI.. not saying i have not owned Nvidia but never purchased one=)
  • noodlegts
    Which is why you should get an NVIDIA card.

    I mean that's kind of the point, they are doing this so you'll buy one.