AMD Ships 50 Million ATI 'Hollywood' Wii GPUs

While everyone can see that Nintendo is making money hand over fist thanks to amazing sales of the DS Lite and the Wii, some of the console maker’s partners are also riding the wave.

One such partner is AMD, which has one of its ATI graphics chip inside every Wii. AMD today announced that it the 50 millionth ATI ‘Hollywood’ chip (the GPU for the Wii) from Nintendo shipped today.

“Nintendo values its ongoing relationship with AMD. AMD’s graphics technology expertise as displayed in the ATI ‘Hollywood’ chip is a great part of the momentum of Wii. Our combined efforts help deliver entertaining experiences to create many smiling faces in living rooms around the world,” said Genyo Takeda, general manager of Integrated Research and Development, Nintendo Co., Ltd.

“We’re proud to provide the ATI ‘Hollywood’ chip as the cool and quiet graphics engine that factors so prominently in the overall enjoyment for Wii owners,” said Rick Bergman, senior vice president and general manager, Graphics Products Group, AMD. “AMD counts Nintendo as a valued customer and we continue to work together to make console entertainment a growing phenomenon worldwide.”

With 50 million units delivered, the ATI ‘Hollywood’ becomes the most successful AMD game console chip to date in terms of unit sales. ATI supplied the graphics chips for the Nintendo GameCube, and is still producing the ‘Xenos’ GPU for the Xbox 360.

Last month we reported on a rumor that had Intel producing the graphics technology for the next generation PlayStation. With AMD already having what we assume to be a positive relationship with Microsoft and Nintendo, Nvidia could be the one left out in the next round of consoles. Industry insiders, however, don’t foresee any new consoles hitting the market until 2011 or 2012.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • macer1
    AMD today announced that it the 50 millionth ATI ‘Hollywood’ chip (the GPU for the Wii) from Nintendo shipped today.

    sorta forgot the "shipped" part....

  • JeanLuc
    I wish AMD would tell us how many Radeon 3XXX, 4XXX they have shipped, that's something I would be interested to know as if you could combine that with numbers from Nivdia you can get some idea on where PC gaming is heading.
  • pochacco007
    amd was nintendo's choice as it was probably the most cost effective company to partner with in the technology sector. with processing chips , the cheapest is probably amd. it becomes even better since now amd and ati are together, nintendo can probably make a cost effective partnership, which also comes and saves the consumer money as well.
  • hairycat101
    So now we know why the WII has such weak graphics... (I've used mostly ATI cards for the last ten years BTW)
  • pharge
    hairycat101So now we know why the WII has such weak graphics...... that is not a surprise. Remember thw words they said... "... the ATI ‘Hollywood’ chip as the cool and quiet graphics engine" How can you expect a cool and quite GPU (Wii)to beat a hot (PS3 and new Xbox360)and melting GPU (old Xbox360)?.. even if they are from the same company (Xbox360 & Wii = ATI)..;)
  • captaincharisma
    amd was nintendo's choice as it was probably the most cost effective company to partner with in the technology sector

    really and i thought it was ATI that partnered with Nintendo before AMD bought them out.
  • Tekkamanraiden
    pochacco007amd was nintendo's choice as it was probably the most cost effective company to partner with in the technology sector. with processing chips , the cheapest is probably amd. it becomes even better since now amd and ati are together, nintendo can probably make a cost effective partnership, which also comes and saves the consumer money as well.
    Ok you are aware the Wii runs a custom IBM PPC cpu? On top of that the most likely reason the Wii has a ATI/AMD video chip is due to the fact the Gamecube had one.
  • radiowars
    Consoles are are PC's little brothers. They can't be updated. That's their only fault really.
  • invlem
    ATi seems to be a good parter to work with, nVidia got ousted by Microsoft for the 360 due to the issue they had with the original 360.

    ATi has had their chip in the GC and the Wii, and the 360. nVidia seems to be killing themselves off in the console market with partnership pricing issues.
  • invlem
    ^^ issues with the original xbox^^ not 360 sorry.