AMD Ryzen 5000 Chips Are In Stock for Next-Day Delivery...In Europe

AMD's Ryzen 5000 chips might have launched back at the start of October, but getting your hands on a chip has proven to be quite the challenge. There have been promises of more stock, but even so, people have been buying the chips faster than AMD can ship them out. 

But, it appears that certain countries in Europe might be in luck. Just now, the Netherlands (via received huge shipments of the AMD Ryzen 5 5600X, Ryzen 7 5800X, and the Ryzen 9 5950X, with the more affordable chips available in significantly greater quantities. Interestingly, the Ryzen 9 5900X appears to be still troubled by supply issues, but that could be due to its popularity leading to a large number of pre-orders that still need to be fulfilled before the webshops can offer the chips to the general public with next-day delivery. Germany and surrounding countries appear to have received similar shipments.

Of course, pricing is still a little out of whack, with the 5600X retailing about €370 instead of its European MSRP of €309. The 5800X exchanges hands for about €500. The 5900X isn't widely in stock, but if it were, it would cost between €750 and €850. The god-tier 16-core Ryzen 9 5950X is selling for a mighty €950. Next-day delivery is also a bit of a false promise at this time, but that's more due to a local lockdown and the postal services being overburdened.

What Caused These Shortages Again?

Of course, with everyone stuck at home, demand for PC hardware and any gaming-related hardware, in general, is through the roof, but there's more happening that's causing AMD's shortages. For starters, AMD's foundry partner TSMC is fully at capacity, and it seems one of the issues is that chip packagers can't get their hands on enough interposers

Meanwhile, AMD's chips are also simply the Best CPUs you can buy right now, with a new architecture built on the 7nm process. Meanwhile, Intel is still stuck at 14nm, though Rocket Lake-S will bring a new architecture to the process node. No exact release date is known for Intel's chips. Still, when they do launch, considering Intel can price aggressively and has much more production capacity than AMD, chances are Rocket Lake will ease some of the demand off AMD, and the CPU situation will normalize.

Fingers crossed. 

Unfortunately, there's no news about when the US will see similar kinds of Ryzen 5000 shipments.

Niels Broekhuijsen

Niels Broekhuijsen is a Contributing Writer for Tom's Hardware US. He reviews cases, water cooling and pc builds.

  • spentshells
    ... in europe made me laugh, thanks for that
  • sizzling
    The 5600x has been in stock in the UK and easy to find. The 5800x has been a little harder and the others have been near impossible to find.
  • sstanic
    GPUs next please :)
  • Makaveli
    I see 5800X's in stock in a store very close to me but they want $699 Cad for it which is a price I refuse to pay.

    The MSRP in USD is $449 convert to CAD and that is about $572 then add taxes and retailer markup should not equal $700.

    I'm going to wait until Rocket lake S is out which should cause a price correction in March. I will not give these retailers extra money for these products.
  • btmedic04
    My local microcenter has had the 5600x and 5800x in stock for most of the past week. I stopped by for something else and ended up chatting with one of the employees about it and was told that it looks like in our area that equilibrium has been reached on those two for supply and demand. There's still a shortage on the 5900x and 5950x, but its nice to see the more accessible members of the product stack are getting easier to buy
  • Sumsin
    Everyone is waiting for CPUs and GPUs. But when they restock, will it be enough for everyone? Or will it be just enough for like 10% of people and remaining will have to wait again?
    To be enough, it must be thousands, if not tens of thousands of each model. I don't think CPUs and GPUs will be comfortably available any time soon. They will be out of stock at least end of the 2021.
  • BogdanH
    I believe this TH News article is a bit misleading about prices in Europe (or at least not complete). Let me explain.

    Even official €/US$ exchange ratio is 1:1.2, that's never really the case for consumer electronics pricing in Europe. Fact is, for years, actual ratio is 1:1 -greedy shops I guess.
    So, if MSRP for R9-5900X is US$550, consumer in Europe expect it would be 550€ . That's reality and is not true only for CPU's.

    Now, I don't know for outside of Europe, but here all shops have prices with VAT included! Depending on country, VAT in Europe varies between about 19% and 24% (22% where I live).
    That is, R5-5600X (MSRP 300€) should cost in shop 300€+22%=366€. And similar, R9-5900X should cost 550€+22%=671€.

    Hope that clarifies a bit.
  • JfromNucleon
    Well that's ironic now, isn't it.
  • hotaru251
    btmedic04 said:
    My local microcenter has had the 5600x and 5800x in stock for most of the past week. I stopped by for something else and ended up chatting with one of the employees about it and was told that it looks like in our area that equilibrium has been reached on those two for supply and demand. There's still a shortage on the 5900x and 5950x, but its nice to see the more accessible members of the product stack are getting easier to buy
    lucky. my microcenter sells out in the same day they get restocked...
  • Sumsin
    hotaru251 said:
    lucky. my microcenter sells out in the same day they get restocked...
    I think at least 2 or 3 full production cycles are needed to meet the demand. And prices will go up hugely until full demand are met.