CyanogenMod 10 Stable Build Based on Jelly Bean Released

The stable version is so far only available for the more popular Android devices at the time of this writing, but more than 20 additional smartphone and tablet models should be moved from a nightly to a stable version soon.

Besides the 4.1 updated, the developers also added an update manager for CyanogenMod, which is now available directly via the OS UI.

The developers also announced that they have begun working on a Android 4.2 version for their distribution as CM 10.1. There is no information which major features will be added and removed in this next version, though the team did guess that the CM clock will be replaced with Google's version and the Quick Settings will replace the Notification Power Widgets.

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  • azathoth
    I started using an alpha build for my HTC ONE V almost two months ago, it's nice that a stable build is now released.

    Project butter made the OS so much more responsive, I am now unable to go back to any pre 4.1 based builds now.

    The Cyanogen team does a great job bringing the OS's to our devices.
  • -Fran-
    I'm running CM9.0 nightly right now and it's rock solid; few quirks, but nothing game stopper.

    I'll give CM10 a try when they start releasing nightly builds for the S2 (based on the stable).

  • house70
    These guys are doing what the lazy OEM manufacturers should be doing to begin with; kudos to CM.
    Not available for my phone yet, I don't think. DROID RAZR MAXX.
  • Thomas Creel
    Hmm not who I would expect to come out with this but happy to have it out there nontheless.
  • amk-aka-Phantom
    YukaI'm running CM9.0 nightly right now and it's rock solid; few quirks, but nothing game stopper.I'll give CM10 a try when they start releasing nightly builds for the S2 (based on the stable).Cheers!
    Just try existing nightlies. My Galaxy Tab P1000 is running CM10 nightly and it's more stable than stock, will never go back.

    Meanwhile at CM:

