Asus Responds to Intel's Exit from Motherboard Business

Intel's announcement of its departure from making motherboards after Haswell definitely changed the motherboard industry. We've reached out to all the major players for their feedback, and this is what Asus had to say:

Enthusiasts and PC builders trust ASUS as their go-to brand when it comes to building desktops. As the global leader in motherboard design across multiple product ranges, ASUS remains strongly committed to developing a wide range of new and innovative motherboards now and well into the future. For the consumer segment we have invested significant resources to grow and sustain the Build Your Own ecosystem, including the PCDIY initiative designed to educate and inspire new builders, our ongoing support for the PC gaming community, and our grassroots program for university students across North America providing support for learning through a number of vehicles. For the commercial segment we have been on the forefront with the highly acclaimed Corporate Stable Model (CSM) program in North America. ASUS motherboards have been recognized by eChannelNews with their Resellers Choice Award for Best Motherboard several years in the row. ASUS CSM motherboards covers a full range of chipsets and form factors, and come complete with a guaranteed long shelf life, advance cross shipping, and Intel vPro Technology. With the Haswell-based 4th generation Core platform we plan to deepen our commitment to bring excitement and new opportunities to the desktop platform. ASUS will continue to expand our close partnership with Intel to fully support their growing CPU and chipset roadmap with a wide selection of motherboards that provide the highest quality and ownership value in the market. We have the utmost confidence in Intel’s continued commitment to desktop CPUs and chipsets, and eagerly look forward to leading the next generation of Build Your Own enthusiasts and system builders.

Tom's also received a statement from Gigabyte regarding Intel's departure, which can be found here.

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Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • Maxx_Power
    Hmm, not sure if this is more vague than the Gigabyte response, or on par...
  • Maxx_Power
    Big question for Asus and Gigabyte (MSI also):

    What is going to happen to your core business line-up when Intel chips go BGA-only ?
  • ojas
    Gigabyte had a much better response, imo. At least they were on topic.
  • ojas
    Maxx_PowerBig question for Asus and Gigabyte (MSI also):What is going to happen to your core business line-up when Intel chips go BGA-only ?Um, did Otellini whisper this in your ear? Please don't spread misinformation. Broadwell might skip the LGA socket but there's been little evidence to show that Haswell's the last LGA chip.

    Also, BGA chips need to be soldered to something, which will most probably be a motherboard by one of the you've named.
  • threehosts
    I find this rather confusing, will they stop manufacturing motherboards or completely discontinue chipsets for desktop computers altogether?

    I can't believe that the demand for enthusiast gaming rigs, professional workstations or small-scale tower servers has ceased or will cease anytime soon.

    Don't get me wrong here, if Intel releases chipsets for desktop motherboards it is equally important that they also release reference designs and "best practice" guides for these chipsets. Otherwise who would be to blame for design flaws? Someone has to take responsibility for the design.
    JacekRingWhy does every companies response about any question always have to end up an advertisement for that company?I think its a very professional response and a good move by ASUS. Sure its an add... any news article with your companies name in it is an add... whether it be good news or bad news.
  • basketcase87
    JacekRingWhy does every companies response about any question always have to end up an advertisement for that company?Because the reason they exist is to make money. When the PR department for a corporation has a chance to get publicity, they'd be retarded to not promote themselves.
  • NightLight
    I like asus products, but they could have given a better response than this
  • therealcold187
    Maxx_PowerBig question for Asus and Gigabyte (MSI also):What is going to happen to your core business line-up when Intel chips go BGA-only ?Why on earth would you think that sockets will ever go away? Intel realizes if there is no more socket cpu then they will sell less cpu as I know alot of people buy a cheap cpu when building there first PC because they know down the road they will be able to buy a better cpu and sell or trade there slower cpu. Also a socket usually last a couple of years so if you buy a cpu at the begining of a socket there is a chance they will buy another cpu at the end of the sockets life cycle. Example say joe blow buys a I3 or I5 sandy cpu and said person wants a more speed so they buy a Ivy I5/I7 cpu. If this person had to buy a new cpu/motherboard they would just wait longer to upgrade as the price to performance benfit is no longer worth while so INTEL loses that sale. Also if you look at how many pc where around 15 years ago till today how can you say we are in a post pc era.... If you told me there would be this many pc today back in the 386 days I would laugh at you. We are still in the PC era and will be for many more years.
  • Soda-88
    JacekRingHere's what ASUS response should have been.Asus spokesman: "We have not stopped celebrating for over a week now. John passed out in the bathroom a few hours ago, and Jane broke her hip. She was still laughing as the ambulance took her away. On a side note, we expect sales to increase 15% as companies buy more of our crap to replace that intel crap."Yeah, but they need to advertise themselves as the most suitable replacement for Intel before they get to actually become one and only then can they have a crazy bitch dance on the table and break her hip.