Google Streetview Gives a Look Into Google's Data Centers

However, if you ever wanted to see who one of the company's facilities looks like, there is now a limited Streetview option to get a glimpse.

The 3D photography covers parts of Google's Lenoir Data Center about 70 miles northwest of Charlotte in North Carolina, which was built for about $600 million and opened in May 2008. There is also a guided YouTube tour and includes the networking room, the server room with Google's famous custom-designed servers and server racks, digital tape storage section, as well as cooling towers. Read more here.

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  • theclash150
    check out that storm trooper in the second picture!
  • Gundam288
    ETA when I can look at Foxconn's iPhone5/other plants? It would be very intresting to see what the working conditions are really like rather than hear about it.

    Also, the guy with the hat in the last picture has "Rick Roll'd" playing on his desktop monitor and laptop. lol
  • joemehnert
  • mcd023
    that is officially cool. Yes, even the multi-colored spinning fan hats
  • Love seeing the Star Wars Storm Trouper hanging about...
  • spacekase24
    There is something ominous about disturbing about all that information and power they have. The video is much different if you play slow-scary music while watching it.
  • pliskin1
    That is awesome, I would love to work there.
  • Yeah, I'd love to have a disk crusher job at Google.